Arise, Sir Boris

A cabinet full of absolute gammon. Its intriguing

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The names read like a baddie list from the Harry Potter films.

It’s very ethnically diverse though.

Hope he can find something for David Davis and Ian Duncan Smith

There has to be a role for the Brexit Bulldog.

Coffins possibly.

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A growth industry

Jacob Rees-Mogg leader of the House of Commens. Blonde scouse bombshell Esther McVey minister for Housing. James Cleverly party chairman. Boris really going for broke here.

Is there anything worse than a Scouse Tory

It’s the equivalent of a Nazi-loving Jew

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By cutting off a whole wing of the tory party he can hardly hope to return as pm after a general election. What is his strategy

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Sure Chris failing wins that accolade

This I feel is a very mistaken belief

He walked the leadership contest as he was always going to

And I would be very surprised if he doesn’t win a general election

The anti-Brexit vote will be hopelessly split

Brexiteers identify along cultural lines and they are in his pocket

A general election will effectively be a singular Leave v a split vote Remain

The strategy is slash and burn. Gotterdammerung.

Try to get better terms off the EU. They’ll tell him to fuck off unless they feel they will lose the 39 billion. Go back to Parliament with cosmetic changes to May’s deal. If that doesn’t work an election based on no deal.

I can’t see labour leavers voting Tory though.

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I can see your points but can he win back the marginals lost by theresa may with a strategy that does not appeal to the middle ground?

Jeremy Corbyn remains his best ally

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Most will probably stick with Labour because of cultural reasons, but some will desert them

They don’t have to vote Tory, they could vote Brexit or not vote at all

That could tip the balance in midlands and northern marginals away from Labour

In more southern marginals that Labour won last time, they stand to lose because Remainers will switch to the Lib Dems or Greens

Corbyn rode a wave of grass roots enthusiasm from young people in 2017

That’s how the vote was got out to such an extent

That enthusiasm has now dissipated because of his vacillation over Brexit

Labour will find it very difficult to do well without that grass roots enthusiasm

Much of the enthusiasm was because Corbyn was seen as somebody authentic who wasn’t playing to a cynical strategy - that is now not the case

It’s the same thing Pelosi is doing with the Democrats in the US - when you play to a cynical “strategy” to try to keep everybody happy, it backfires

Johnson is not doing that, he’s going for full on right wing mayhem but because he’s seen as authentic it’ll likely work

Yes, sadly, because I expect him to appeal to the “middle ground” to a surprising extent, he’ll lie through his teeth and dress himself up as somewhat of a social democrat but with lashings of right-wing nationalism piled on top of it

Johnson is at heart a used car salesman and he is brilliant at conning people, being a good con artist is the greatest gift a party leader can have

There will be a pact with Farage which means they wont split the vote

The Brexit party vote in current opinion polls might as well be Tory

May tied herself in knots during the 2017 campaign - she looked weak, she totally lost control of the narrative, the dementia tax stuck in people’s guts in exactly the wrong way - she ran the worst campaign in living memory

I can’t see Johnson doing that

You’ve come as long way in a few months from Corbyn will walk the GE.


anyone, anyone else and Labour would slaughter them in an election