Arise, Sir Boris

With all the reshuffles of late, is there any in the Tory Party who hasn’t have a Ministerial position at this stage?

Because he’s a tosser

Just @Tim_Riggins

You’re dead right there. Despite the claims of being independent the English actually love being ruled by a toff. Johnson will destroy Corbyn.

I never said Corbyn would walk a general election.

Labour would likely have won a general election had one been held in the first half of this year alright.

Your problem is that you have no ability to analyse things as they happen, and no ability to change your mind about things when you find yourself defending a ridiculous position which you’re afraid to abandon out of fear of losing face.

Which is all the time.

Where do you suggest Labour go from here @Sidney?

It’s an appalling cabinet but requires strong credible and unified opposition imho to cause it to collapse in on itself

The next few months will be fascinating

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For a lickspittle like you it will, yeah.

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For anyone. Pleasant, no. Interesting, yes.

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Stick to the Red Injun podcasts.

Far more interesting than what’s going on with your imperial overlords

Raab is just getting his head around the Dover- Calais issue to be fair, he’ll need to read the good friday agreement next

Labour’s problems are multiple

Corbyn’s obstinacy on Brexit is problem number one

Currently, their position is to oppose any Tory Brexit - but if there’s a general election, that policy then becomes null and void because they’ll be campaigning to win the election and implement their own much softer Brexit

Leadership said the wishes of the membership would determine policy, but membership is overwhelmingly pro-Remain and anti-any Brexit

So the party must become unambiguously pro-Remain and it still hasn’t done that, it’s caught between two stools - killing the enthusiasm of the grass roots that did so much to get the vote out in 2017 - which at nearly 13 million was the largest Labour vote since 1997

If you’re ambiguous, you’re divided

Tories and other right-wing parties can get away with that because the sort of people who consider voting for the Tories are generally morally bankrupt, just like the party itself, and prone to easy conning

The young grass roots of Labour is idealistic and prinicpled, they see their futures and the futures of millions of young people and other people being chucked down the toilet by Brexit

Is it any wonder they have become disillusioned

The behaviour of much of the Labour parliamentary party right from the start has been dreadful and that has been Corbyn’s other long running problem

A lot of those who have stayed on the sidelines and thrown stones are talented politicians, but they have shown themselves up in a dreadful light because it seems they’re more interested in destroying the Labour party itself than winning an election

There isn’t really a solution to that - they’ve had four years and still are happy to keep destroying the party from within rather than trying to contribute positively

I don’t believe the anti-Semitism stuff has made a huge dent in Labour’s polling because most people can see through the fact that it’s a wider smear campaign to damage Corbyn because he is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause - while the Tories, who are absolutely shot through with toxic racism in an exponentially more serious way than any problems Labour have, get off scot free

But it has contributed to a general sense of malaise around the party

The media problem is one that Labour has always faced and always will face, going back many decades - UK media is very right-wing, and even Blair only got them somewhat onside because the Tories completely imploded in the 1990s and he veered right

The media in the UK effectively created Brexit

Labour at the moment are relying on Johnson imploding, which isn’t impossible, but I feel unlikely because too many people will not see through his con man nature and mistake his arrogance for competence

Johnson will try to portray himself as Churchill

A lot of Brits love that crap

Labour will have to try and create a narrative where people believe they are they only viable alternative to a right-wing dystopia and people rally to them to get the Tories out

Painting Johnson as the poodle of Farage and Trump, which he is, must also be a central strategy

Corbyn is a good campaigner, Johnson has weaknesses as shown in the Tory debates, and Labour’s policies will certainly be miles better than Johnson’s, so I retain a small amount of hope that the Tories could be beaten, but things are not looking very good

Johnson will just lie as he has done his whole life and people will buy it


Pretty good analysis there. I’m not sure about Corbyn being a good campaigner in comparison to Johnson. Johnson is an excellent campaigner. The way to damage Johnson is to pin him on details and prevent him from blustering his ignorance away. But that’s exactly the sort of situation he and his advisors will strive to avoid. PMQ’s are perhaps Corbyn’s best opportunity to embarrass him but I can see Johnson just turning them into a circus to cover up his lack of grasp of detail.

The one thing Corbyn & Labour musn’t do is underestimate him. It takes a very clever man to play the fool.


Boris beat Red Ken twice.

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Yep. And particularly the first time Livingston was a big favourite to win and very popular in London. That’s supporting evidence of my statement that Johnson is an excellent campaigner.

It’s funny actually that an English electorate that I believe voted Brexit in large part because of Little England (bordering on racist) views will get behind Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson, who is by some accounts only 1/8 English having Turkish & French ancestors. I remember reading somewhere that the Johnson name came from his grandmother whose Turkish husband adopted her name.

And his leading ministers all from immigrant backgrounds: Raab, Patel and Javid. The labour politburo is quite white by comparison.

Strange how so many from immigrant backgrounds want to pull the ladder up after they “make it”.