I hit a 2 there the other day on SUGAR. my first word was GREAT, which gave me three letters. having GRA was a good start. Knocking out the T & E was a help too. There was very little left after that, having the likes of a G helps.
@arthur queried one time when I nearly had another 2, the word was WINCE. My first word was CHAIR, which gave me CI. again, knocking out the H & A removed a lot of other options. I went with MINCE as my second guess, so nearly had it.
Today I had PLACE, no correct letters. Then went with STORM, which gave me TOM. With A & E knocked out, and LRS were gone too, it didnt leave too many other options.
If the first guess gives few letters don’t outright guess on the second go, instead choose a word with the most popular vowels and consonants that you haven’t eliminated on your first guess.
This is why I think 2 or even 3 are always a fluke. You can’t have narrowed it down that much by then. I could have guessed mount on my 3rd go but the two I guessed before it were perfectly good attempts.
There’s probably even a few more _OU_T words
Went with COAST first today that teed me up nicely with O and T in the right spots.
That eliminated words like boast, roast, coast etc but also more importantly Court and Count. The T meant prob another vowel after O and I don’t know any words with _OE_T so with it not being Count took a punt on Mount. It could easily have been POINT or JOINT but I only copped that as I start typing this