Ask TASE about Russia


im half russian you idiot


they will react well


what kind of parent would allow their children join a gga club

my kids will never play bogsports

firstly while you may have stalkers out in conjunction with mac tracking the heritage of all other posters on this site i myself am utterly indifferent as to the identitys of you and your equals.
I am fairly sure that assuming everyone on a db knows something about you simply because you are hilarious from time to time may very well be among the most idiotic assumptions someone can make but hey knock yourself out with the insults

furthermore you are also half irish and you seem to have no understanding at all of this country, so why in the name of jaysus would you be assumed to have anything beyond the most rudimentary understanding of a completely different country…

Your parents?

spoken like the giant bigotted simpleton you are.

while you will be there fulminating about russia on here the wife will be quietly slipping boots and gear into the school bag and the hurley and helmet will be at the mates both of whom parties will be more interested in the kids making their own choices than sustaining such nonsensical crap.
my guess is you were dropped between 12 and 14 and have never recovered. theres help out there for all these type of mental blocks
see you in croke park in about 12 to 15 years

nah- we were a family that joined the yacht club

true story, we sailed down the volga for a summer holiday once and stayed in my grandfathers house when we hit kazan

i have girls mate, it would be pretty odd if a girl showed any interest in bogsports-

But you played GAA

I’m lead to believe Ladys Football is huge in the South Dublin area these days

yes- i took up gga in my first year in college

So your parents let you play GAA



anyway , enough about GGA

more questions about Russia?

Gas to see how people get so defensive when interacting with TASE. Surely it is xenophobia

it appears that a lot of the muldoons here still have the cold war mindset that I have rallied against all my life

What first attracted you to the GAA mate?

the petrol allowance

For a fresher in college?
