Association Football Kits is still a website why are you using the .vip version mate?


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Anywhere for decent knock off clobber that’s not just jerseys? Tackies and the likes for example?

the milk market


Dunno how they get away with selling the tools there every Saturday morning

I don’t know how they survive doing it. The amount of them there and they seem to sell fuck all

MandM Direct always thought was a decent site. I’ve picked up some decent enough stuff there for relatively cheap

Have a gander on boohoo

Edit: just saw you said tackies, don’t think they’d be the place for them.

Sorry @Copper_pipe any idea what this means when ordering a jersey?

Name + Number: (3)

New Font(+US$ 2.00)Original Font(+US$ 5.00)
Blank $0.00

Is that just if you want the name of a player and his number on it? As if I click yes to either you never get an option to elaborate, would prefer to leave it blank anyway.

This site is safe enough you’ve bought a few things from them? Seems to be no PayPal option they’ll have to get credit card details

If getting a jersey the Thai Versions are the better quality. Have never got a player version.

I think the font options will either be the Premier League font or the UEFA font if applicable.

I’ve never had an issue anyway.

Drop Vivian a WhatsApp and she’ll sort you out.

+86 182 7483 4613

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Who on earth is she? I’m going to buy a few soccer jersies.

She’s essentially running the place.

The whole thing sounds dodgy as fuck :joy::joy:

From the website.

Says the fella buying knock-off jerseys :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That’s exactly what I was about to say!!

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Okay fellas, an actual new kit. This one shows solidarity with the children of Palestine

Did they make it?

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Any items in particular that you’re after?

The FashionReps subreddit is a good resource.

Buying can be a bit tedious though, you have to buy via an agent. Different sellers have different quality of product.

There was one good one on a telegram group I was on before but seems to be kaput. Worked direct with Chinese knock off merchants!

They’re a shower of wankers with a minority with good intentions.