Aston Villa

His touch is way off tonight… He was very good against us the last day

Poor from taroue

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That was the only good performance from him for months

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Jesus he’s been piss poor. I presume Jack will come on for him shortly… He’s stealing a living

By the look they’ll leave Jack off. This is shite though

Very poor game. Neither team looks dangerous up front. Coleman was Evertons best player there until he went off. Good to see Jack Gre back on the pitch. Everton have had the better chances

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This means more

Villa are back

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Too true. You can stick the Ratoath Inn up your holes. Murrays will be hopping to there’s on one chukwuemaka come August

Monk was accused of lying in court about his account, and of kicking and stamping on Atkinson’s head while he was barely conscious on the ground.

Monk is the first officer convicted of manslaughter during the course of his duties in over three decades.

Atkinson was kicked with such force his blood was found in the laces of Monk’s police issue boots.

One for the racism thread also

Good bye Super Jack, thanks for the memories, come back any time.

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This also says that Villa intend to keep Jack Grealish.

Or, it says they are going to spend the £100m they get for the turncoat.

8 year sentence handed down in Birmingham today.

TBH a joke of a sentence. Very insulting to the family.

What about the woman police officer who flaked him twice with a baton while he was unconscious and the jury was deadlocked, in a decision ( or lack thereof) marinaded in conscious or unconscious sexual bias.

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Thanks for the memories Jack. Good luck with the next stage of your career.

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He’ll have some craic with Kyle Walker.

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