Athletics Thread

Womens 4x400m confirmed as Becker, Healy, Cadden and Mawdsley.


The yanks have spoken

She could line up for the final if they get there but the Olympic medal is what he’s gonna prioritise

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She was never going to run this morning. If they make a final then who knows.

They’ve the easier semi final so who knows.

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Savage stuff from Callum Baird gives us a chance to make the final

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I strongly believe that it’s not right to throw someone off the team for the final. Sin e.

We need a few trips or dropped batons in the 2nd semi final

Thats sport.

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You can hardly expect the girl to run 12 hours after a PB in a final in fairness. It’s all about the team.

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1.Poland 3:25
2. Germany
3. Netherlands

Here we go for the ladies

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Thats a great opening 3 legs. Fair play to Cadden.

Here Sharlene with a bit to do.

Ah that is fucking mighty!!!

A brilliant relay. Jesus these are some days.

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Ah Sharlene is just a relay queen

That’s some character shown by Sharlene


Cadden done great there, to do that in her first major championships is outstanding.

1, Ireland 3:24:82
2. France
3. Belgium

#2 and #3 struggled a bit but Sharlene brought them home.

Seasonal bests for everyone behind Ireland there

Sharlene definitely wasn’t all out at the finish either. Ridiculously composed and measured