Athletics Thread

I know a good few of them. We are proud roasters :rofl:

A question I’ve been trying to find the answer to. The subs don’t go up on the podium, but do they get medals?

Is the “b” race like the Joe McDonagh?

Be class to see Brian Fay finish in the medals here and do a ‘whadda ya think of that Sonia O’Sullivan’ in the interview

Dunno, but i think he has won the Liffey swim at least once. I’d imagine that sort of thing would shorten a lads life expectancy.

A bit like Ciara Mageean on Monday, O”Flynn has seen a gap in the coverage for the Olympics and has gone for it.


Yes any athlete who runs a preliminary round in a relay gets a medal


So Caden gets one but McGrory not. That’s tough going for her. Is it the same in the mixed where only 1 change is usually allowed?

Yeah all relays. If you run you get a medal.

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I find it a bit mad that Craig Doyle went from being a main anchor presenter on the BBC for the 2004 Olympics to being beaten by Brendan O’Connor in a competition to present a Saturday night chat show on RTE.

I’ve just read that the A&B finals for the 10k are seen as the same event. So quickest times win. RTE don’t seem to realize this given the slow pace of the A final


That’s a farce.

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That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a long time
Championships are about racing

Winning time in the B race was 28:24. Looks like the pace picking up means it won’t matter in the A race. Gidey looks very comfortable here.

Can you share the link please struggling to understand that

The startlist for the 10000m Men is now available. We will run the 10000m in 2 races. An A-race and a B-race. The composition of these races is according European Athletics guidelines including having the best ranked athletes (based on qualification best) in the A-race. In the A-race also the defending champion from Munich and the top 3 of the last European 10000m cup are running. The results of the A-race and the B-race will be combined to determine the overall ranking and which athlete will be European Champion.The B-race is planned for June 12 at 20:12. The A-race is planned for June 12 at 21:44.

Swiss lad going around with the flag on his back. An awful cross to carry


Some might see that as a big plus though


That Lobalu lad has some back story too. They had a film about him at the Cannes festival a few years back. Was effectively without a country for years while residing in Switzerland before going through some long convoluted process to get Swiss citizenship.

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