Athletics Thread

Lovely stuff :clap:

The horsey set won’t like that

Found that figure very hard to believe as it is so low so did a quick Google and it appears to be a bit misleading? There’s 4.4 million invested in something called the International Carding Scheme and 25 million to the high performance unit, both of which would surely include some or all of the athletes we’ve been watching in the last week?

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And how much did this generate for the economy?

A small amount from the HP Unit

@Bandage knew

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Anybody who looked could see what was coming.

Horses pulling wagons have circled

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Youngsters are looking up to the likes of Adeleke now instead of Gordon Elliot sat on a dead pony.


There’s 30,000 people employed full-time by Athletics Ireland although most of these full-time jobs are only working a few hours a week but in total these jobs generate 2.3 billion a year for the Irish economy :raised_hands:


Honestly, a lot more than you’d think. It raises the national profile, and makes people feel better. It’s priceless.

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Is Gordon Elliot still training horses? Not much word of him winning too much these days. He mustn’t be buying the special feed via Dubai

I’d be willing to stop funding to horse racing and seeing how it affects the economy.

I’m willing to me culpa it if I’m wrong.

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Was it @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr or someone said much the same thing in the aftermath of the mixed relay last Friday?

It’s grand for athletics i suppose but that lady needs to get a grip. No one really values women in any sport. They’re a footnote to men.

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Tennis and Athletics are the only sports I can think of where you’d have equal interest in both. But it’s been like that since at least the 90s if not earlier. Other sports are only waking up to this and have a long way to go. The approach of trying to force normalise it like they’re doing with Rugby isn’t helping things though. It just highlights the gender gap even more.

Insert Bill Burr monologue on women’s sports

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Interesting that the much maligned horse horse sports have the same

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