Athletics Thread

What a fucking dweeb

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Rarely run. Maybe once a year or so

So it’s a world record more akin to something in Guinness Book of Records for eating the most sausages in 2 minutes.

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It’s a solid idea really, something etching that you’d think would be more sought after, big deal in cycling I think? Well below half marathon record pace though

Big difference between track and road I’d assume? Although I’d assume track would be quicker. Running 53 odd laps of a track would be a mind numbing though. Torturous almost

You’d have to think distance runners doing 110 miles a week are immune to mind numbing. The one hour record is something that you could see gaining traction, you can be sure that this won’t last for too long anyway.

Not so much in cycling. An odd specialist will have a go at it. Every decade or so a top TT guy might try it.

Seemed to be a big deal when Wiggins got it, probably just the exposure to British sports media

Thought at first the first line was pouring a bit of scorn on it til he crawled up his hole. Amazing that a 37 year old who missed a few drugs tests got trained by two of the best drug using trainers in world sport managed this all the same.

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its down to his strict diet and training regime

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It’s amazing alright. It’s such a pity he didnt get on that diet and strict training regime before he started working with the prolific drug using coaches. Imagine what he could have been.

It’s kind of an iconic thing. The Brits have a big tradition of time trialling and track racing.

Looks like he was just reckless and careless rather than doping but still a 2 year ban. Athletics does not news about

If Olympics goes ahead next year expect world records on the track. This technology is in spikes now too.

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What age was he?


Young for a healthy man like him. RIP

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Ah thats sad. He came across as a cantankerous fella at the best of times but his passion for the sport was very admirable. The run in between himself and James Nolan on live TV is something I’ll always remember as one of those bizarre TV moments.


Cantankerous and superior in a way that only a Kerry man can be. 67 is too young. Had he a family? I know he was married at one stage anyway.