Auld birds you would shag (Aka The Liz Hurley thread) 🐐

I would say it is some sort of a comb/hair clip combo.

Crab claws?

Ready brek

Id say that crabs are certainly a factor here

Different class as Jimmy would say


Unneccessary overuse of photoshop to airbrush the shite out of her.

She’s class but she looks about 25 there with the airbrushing.

Who is he?

Thats @horsebox, he’s been a poster here for as long as yourself.

Ah no. @Horsebox came here long after me, to see a video of Connor Murray and Zeebs crossing swords I believe.

We must forgive a lady her insecurities

Shur you’re only here since 2021

And share his Facebook profile.

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Some goer I’d say but you’d need to sleep with one eye open. Could see a Lorena Borritt type situation.

Shur you’d hardly need it after anyway.

She seems to be having a problem with wind

I’ve made a huge mistake


Christ, you keep your fork and knife together and place at 12 or 4 on the plate when you’re finished.