Auld birds you would shag (Aka The Liz Hurley thread) 🐐

All she’s missing is a fag hanging out of the side of her mouth :face_vomiting:


What on earth is that thing on her plate? It looks like raw meat genuinely. No wonder she couldn’t eat it :grimacing:

Looks like Turkey (the country that is), so could be anything at all on the plate.

Why do you think it’s turkey?

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The cushions are definitely Turkish

A lot of surgical tourism there alright.

Yea, the outdoor cushioned seating, but the plate looks a bit Greek to be fair.

I’d say she’s on a boat?

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The sailor buttons were the giveaway…

And the stink of fish leaking through the picture :nauseated_face:

Eilidh Barbour.
Just about my speed I’d say, but she doesn’t seem to have a sense of humour.

Not an auld bird

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Maia should make the most of whatever gratuitous she has left in her at this stage


God bless you

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As for Johnny Vegas…

Dolph Lundgren has changed a fair bit.


Was he in the Odd Couple

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Elon probably choked on the cornflakes when he saw this