Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

An IPA in the middle of all that porter would be rocket fuel, you could be horsing into something that is 6-7% without realising it.

You need to adopt a greyhound to get in


Was my first time in there.
I love the concept of it and great to see a place like that doing well, but it was really smelly and full of dogs. It’s ultra hipster.


I’m out.


The smell was either from the beer they brew on site, the dogs or the clientele.


I’d a bottle and a half of white wine at the neighbours last night. You’d know all about the wine the morning after


I see the misogynists are at it again today

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The smell was a strange mix of hops, dog, weed and crusties

Are you sure you weren’t in the toilet in the railway station?

It’s got a similar vibe.

Tbf beer is nice.

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It always seems like a great idea at the time to open the second bottle.

It never is

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You can swill white wine in a way you can’t with red.

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A wine hangover leaves you fucking poisoned.


A female workmate of mine always says you should only drink white wine in the safety of then playpen… I. É at home with nowhere to go


I get a hangover from wine, while I’m drinking it. Can handle it all, the head does be pounding

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I don’t like wine and never drink it, I’m glad I don’t based on the above

White wine is way too easy to drink. Feels like it’s the same strength as beer

Buckfast tonic wine is the only wine worth downing.

Regular wine isn’t for swilling like a beer.

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“Why don’t you go home, put the feet up, and have a glazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnne!”

Bizarrely, champagne does the same to me. I absolutely hate the stuff. Twould make your eyes swell with a hangover whilst you’re drinking it.