Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

Red Bull just smells like slurry to me.

I was never a huge vodka man. The last time I did a right go off it was at a wedding of a neighbours back in 09 in Birr. Some lads got me on a vodka and Lucozade round. I went baloobas. The auld lad told me to go to bed. I was 27 years old :man_shrugging:

Not sure if Iā€™ve drank vodka since. Someone landed a vodka and red bull on me at a stag one night and I think I just regifted it.


Wouldnā€™t ever drink any small ones now. The price and effect of them is not worth it. Iā€™d drink pints of Guinness all night and be happy out.


One of the Mayo lads I knew would drink brandy and red bull

A mate of mine did the same, after a while was having weird heart beats even days later, went to the doctor who told him he couldnā€™t possibly think of a worse drink for the heart. One slows it down the other speeds it up.

He never drank a pint, straight on double brandy and red bull

Iā€™d enjoy a sip of whiskey now and then but thatā€™s it for me and spirits nowadays.
Iā€™m actually off for a few pints of stout in Blackrock (the Louth one) tonight. Iā€™d love one now.

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Iā€™m just back from town. Have the particulars for a couple of top notch burgers in the fridge and everything youā€™d want on plate for the morning. 8-pack of Guinness and a bottle of Power just in case.

Taxi booked for 8pm. Living the dream.


Over 5% I think. Brewed in Burton not Madrid as they claim

Iā€™d say 90% of the drink Iā€™d consume outside of the home now would be Guinness. The remaining 10% would vary hugely by venue, availability, and occasion.

And a babysham for nana


Very drinkable but a fucking bang after it the next day. Woeful

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Peach snapsā€¦.
Malibou & Coke :heart_eyes:

Agree 100%!

Vodka & Lucozadesā€¦.

cc @Mullach_Ide

Used to be a big one 15-20 years ago. 20 box for under 20 euro. Go big or go home.

Iā€™m going to go for a few pints



Where is that?
Iā€™ll be along presentlyā€¦ā€¦

Would you come as far as Askyaton

:face_vomiting: awful combo

Ah shur they were grand that night. :ukraine:

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