Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

@Malarkey had 3 lovely pints of Guinness in the world’s end this morning…a motley crew there to say the least

Had a grand night out in KK but no cathedrals visited…bowles, front room, matt the millers and left bank


Think I have only ever had one drink, a bottle of Guinness, in The Worlds End. Was waiting for someone to finish his drink. But I have heard the Guinness is good in there.

Odd spot. Having a breakfast in the front while lads wander in and out is an experience.

Where do you mean by “Bowles”? Does not click with me…

Sorry Burkes

Billy Byrnes Id say you mean

Still has an early license I think. Got it when the old mart was up around there

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No twas burkes … near the world’s end across the road

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On corner, looking across at MacDonagh Junction?

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Does have an early license. Never one of my haunts.

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@Malarkey knows as much about pubs as he does about covid. The square root of fuckall


Dog Licking Puddle

Tynans is the only place worth going for a pint in Kilkenny

O’ Riada’s converted many of my Smithwick’s atheists into believers just this summer.

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Forum favourite Roy Curtis is surely putting away 10 pints daily.

It’d be small fry to Roy alright


I’m sure we’ve posters not far off.


Maybe true of measures of whiskey