Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

Would you consider joining the Timahoe men’s choir? A clear run at pints of a Monday with the cover of ‘shur its great for the mental health luv’


Rockshore was diagios answer to losing the brewing rights to budweiser. Both were shite
Coors is grand, id go for that, easy on the stomach but not my choice on taste

Deccie Hannon and Cian would often be out there

I’d argue that the Rural pub is thriving again compared to the town pub

Fact…plenty locals near me much busier than they were ten years ago…there is a rural bus that goes to a different village every night of the week and it’s full of fellas going for a half gallon…collected and dropped to the door …what a country


That sounds absolutely class

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Local link it’s called I assumed would be on the go all over…driver supposed to drop off and on at specific spots but there is noone in any panic and I’d say he gets a good Xmas card

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Ya I’ve seen those but thought they only ran during the day. I might find out the local schedule and take a week off


Well maybe yeah, but the landscape is different now. In the village/parish I’m from, there were 7 rural pubs when I was growing up (and I’m still in my early thirties). Now there are 3. Them 3 are doing ok.

I’d a bottle of Heineken in the Cedar Tree tonight because they had nothing else. Then a lovely Guinness or two at Grogan’s. Dublin is a proper city.

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Enjoy the gig. Got a forward of a clip from soundcheck. Sounds great!


The pubs are sure to round that down from six to 5cents.

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I blame Simon Harris

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A fine little pub with a very sound owner. Put down a great afternoon there Paddy’s weekend. The pub in Cork where phones are banned (Hi B?) is a grand spot too.

Banning phones in this day and age is trying too hard.

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In unrelated news, Diageo’s global operating profit amounted to approximately 4.6 billion GBP in 2023, an increase of 0.2 billion over the previous year’s figure.

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