Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

Hangovers were grand when your only responsibilty was making the bus home from college late of a Friday afternoon.

Coors is distributed by Heineken

Diageo lost the Bud franchise to C&C who have killed it stone dead.

They brought out Rockshore to plug the hole.

Coors has been well pushed by Heineken to exploit this. I recently saw it as the new beer in a country pub that only had Guinness and Heineken for many years.

In fairness it was cool crisp and beechwood aged

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My local came under huge pressure to get Coors in. Before that there was only Guinness, Heineken and Smithwicks,

It required a bit of work and bursting of floors but they did it.

That would do me the solid finest.


Itā€™s absolute dish waterā€¦ You couldnā€™t respect anyone who drinks Coors, bud, Heineken or Carslberg.


The lad who isnā€™t allowed go to the pub pontificating about what lads should drink in the pub.


Heineken and carlsberg are at least beer flavoured drinks in fairness,
If Iā€™m out for a lot of pints Iā€™ll go on Heineken because you know itā€™ll be grand everywhere and you wonā€™t need to be mixing

I wouldnā€™t ever drink it at home

People can drink what they like, you just couldnā€™t respect anyone thatā€™s willing to drink piss water just because it has alcohol in itā€¦ But i suppose some people just like quality and others like quantity.

If Kyle Hayes drank Coors while he was out on the bash would you lose respect for him?


Immensely. Iā€™d even change my username.


Absolutely. This is why my lager of choice is Carlsberg. Proper stuff.

Not that craft shite that tastes like soap and makes you feel your heartbeat in your forehead the next morning

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Very few people drink in pubs these days anywayā€¦ So tis all the one. Mainly lads 40+ who hate their families ā€¦

Apparently weā€™ve gone from 500 night clubs 20 years ago to just 70 now nationwide. Iā€™d love to know how many pubs have closed in the time frameā€¦ 5 or 6 thousand Iā€™d say.

Young people simply have no time for either.

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The rural pub is finished. Unless you own it and have fuck all overheads youā€™ll really struggle.

Itā€™s a big pity. Fellas out wasting their lives running or hiking or travelling when they could be below slugging pints.


People still hate their families. We all just have smartphones to stare into now.


Thatā€™s why i voted against durable relationships - should save a few thousand people from having a family and being miserable


Imagine drinking pints of piss like Heineken, Coors, Bud or Carlsberg when you could be drinking pints of Becks.


Iā€™d be happy with a pub that only sold Guinness. Nothing else needed.


Itā€™s been done