Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

A great report… The population as a whole had great command of language in years gone by. You’d see someone from a working class area being interviewed and they’d speak so clearly and succinctly.
Now you’ve college educated people who can’t string a few sentences together… Like, like, like, like, like

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The Christian brothers knew how to learn em

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You’re being hard on yourself there


They’re just aping these absolute cunts from the likes of Love Island etc

I’m a master debater

Posh Belfast accent that. Very reminiscent of Jackie Fullerton.

That’s very interesting. What’s the difference between porter, plain and stout? What is the Guinness we drink now? How was the death of the drink he is talking about there stopped?

Irish public continue to fall out of love with alcohol as consumption falls to its lowest level since 1987

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Great clip from Reeling in the Years last week.

Year was 1971.

The story was of how the Irish pub trade was booming,

One of the cast of Ryan’s Daughter was on the Late Late Show. This had been filmed in Dingle in 1970.

Byrne tacked him about his comments about the Irish only being interested in drinking,

He denied ever saying that. ‘What did you say then?’

‘I said there are 52 pubs in Dingle and nowhere to eat!’


Great to read.

Porter uses malted barley and stout uses unmalted barley. Porter isn’t as heavy on the stomach as stout

Which one is Guinness?

Both as it uses malted and unmalted barley. I think it’s officially a stout but I’d call it porter.

Nothing to do with the outrageous cost of booze here of course

What’s a gram cost these days?

Mmm I wonder what substitute goods could be replacing drink consumption.

I’m as old as you man, how the fuck would I know that ?


Tinder etc surely another element. 99pc of us absolutely had to get plastered to try and get the ride. Now they soberly swipe on tinder and head away to have it off.

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Id imagine people can’t afford it.

Me bollix