Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Shocking story breaking from Parramatta. 4 kids riding their bikes have been killed after a collision involving a 4WD. A 5th critical. Horrendous.

a SUV?

very odd reporting

“an out of control 4wd”

Driver returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.15 and has been charged with 20 offenses including 4 counts of manslaughter.


There are calls for the passenger in the car to be charged with an accessory to manslaughter, for allowing him to drive. Don’t know if there’s any…err…mileage in that one. Passenger surely couldn’t have any liability?

Any calls to ban SUVs and other oversize vehicles?

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Or utes

All vehicles are oversized in Australia unfortunately.

Never change Australia

Kittensoft is very good though


What a cess pit.

Has this been posted before?

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Holy fuck

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Mental. That;s straight up murder.

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Fucks sakes @Chucks_Nwoko & @Fitzy

Fucking joke.

We should send him off on the next cruise ship for a little holiday.

He should be moved to Wuhan.

Some seriously sick fuckers over there. This lad should just be eliminated

I wonder if it’s the same chap who has kidnapped Leah on Home and Away?

This is a very odd story line.