Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Jaysus did anyone ever tell you that you’ve some way with the storytelling


Pezza and riki; it’s too easy sometimes :laughing:

Oh Gladys :grinning:

Qld is back open to international travel from Nov



Great news for ya, I saw WA were holding off, are Qld proceeding? Good to see some sense at last.

Anybody who needs to go to Australia should go by boat. Hard to justify flying there now in these times.

Ironically enough for the forum’s foremost yacht enthusiast, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy gets seasick

I think the hick from Qld have a low vaccine uptake and it needs to be at 80% before it’s open

@Enrique you need to get to shelly and let her know she’ll be microchipped and beaten daily from when she arrives.

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There were three wonderful young nurses from Donegal living opposite us who moved to Perth a couple of months back. When they were leaving they called to the house to say goodbye and have a chat for 20 minutes, unfortunately they called at the exact moment Monaghan had got back to one point down against Tyrone after 69 minutes of the Ulster final. They said that Ireland had little to offer them compared to Australia. I found it hard to disagree with them, as I heard the final whistle go in the background.

Its all relative though isnt it. At least the second girl just admits she wants a change and is going for the experience. The one saying about how she lives with 4 others and is paying high rent. And I’ll bet she’ll be at the same craic over in Australia too, where rent is crazy in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth and cost of living is mental. Anyone long term isnt on the same buzz as the backpacker set up on WHVs for their year or two, or at least move on after the year or two living it up. Grass is always greener and all that.

Fair play to anyone going over, but its the contradiction of “I cant get a job here” but go to Oz and do traffic stop work or “I cant afford it here” and move into an apartment with 10 other Irish people. They are going over to travel and enjoy themselves, and who knows what will happen then. Better weather and lifestyle, but shes comparing Athlone to Sydney/Melbourne. Of course it’ll be a big difference.

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All looks very affordable.

I can take the frustration if living in Dublin, but as you say, this is also an issue in many major cities.

Ah Dimbo, step into my little Venus fly trap…The price to pay for the lifestyle, beachside coffees etc.

Anyway, I didn’t read your link but I don’t think many young nurses are coming to Sydney and buying a house. The unit rental market may be more relevant to whatever argument you’re trying to make.

Hence why I posted the second piece.

In fairness, these two are clearly two youngsters who want an experience in a cool place. Australia affords that. Great for holiday visa but you’d want your head examined settling there long term now if you have family at home. You never know when the door will be shut again.

Some people just aren’t cut out for it. I wouldn’t think any less of them/you. :wink:

There’s nothing brave about going to live somewhere with a beach over being close to family. Tbf I know of chaps who were thick as mince and work in the mines over in Western Australia, works for them as they wouldn’t get near that kind of well paid job in developed countries who vaccinated their populations quickly.

Let it out Dim, let it all out. We’re here for you :heart:

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