Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Well I hope she likes lockdowns mate and a baton to the head on the way to her beachside coffee. Sheā€™ll be sharing an apt with 10 paddies, wearing county jerseys on a Saturday. Living.the.dream.

Iā€™m not a big fan of Oz but this is fascinating to watch.

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I had a fair idea that article would drive @Tim_Riggins demented. Imagine the nerve of the girlsā€¦ going overseas to try and better themselves. Scandalous!

Thereā€™s nothing brave about that.
Fascinating insight into Timā€™s life there.

Youā€™d think with a country that has a storied tradition of emigration such as Ireland, heā€™d be a little bit more empathetic to these girls. Itā€™s a measure of the man alright.

Iā€™m not sure I follow you?

Driven demented

cc @Chucks_Nwoko :joy:

This isnā€™t the riki we all know and love. I predict big things for reeks in 2022.

Says the forums pants sniffer without an original thought in his skull :roll_eyes:

Not sure what part of Australia @Chucks_Nwoko is based. Is it a location where youā€™re allowed out after 9pm?

Lockdown day number 255, lol.

@carryharry - Scouring twitter for obscure tweets on the Victorian restrictions at 1am.

What stage would you say heā€™s at?

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Lol, looking for a nice pants sniff from brains, desperate. Itā€™s 10.40 where I am pal. No lockdown either, life is wonderful with basic freedoms.

So itā€™s just scouring twitter for obscure tweets on the Victorian restrictions at 10.40, gotcha. Weā€™ll take it back a stage so. :wink:

Youā€™re a mess @Chucks_Nwoko

@Chucks_Nwoko, can Queenslanders return home from overseas with no quarantine

@padjo are you friendly with @Chucks_Nwoko , im looking for a response please

Iā€™m no Queenslander, but Iā€™ve seen in the past couple of days that theyā€™ve only just reopened borders and that there is still 2 week quarantine for international travellers. This can be done at home I read.

yes, read something about tits being like that until they get 90% vaccine rates but i read another article saying its open

going there to spend it in a house would be shit

Are you a citizen?

I am not, this is for my wife