Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

What’s this now?It’s a long time since I was in Scruffy Murphys

It’s all about the cheese cubes lads. Do you even get cubes of cheese over there?

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If you’re not in a pub by midnight I think it is, you’re not getting in anywhere. Came off the back of all the deaths due to King/Cowards Hits

Is that a parody?

You’re certainly dishing out some grade A cheddar with that article

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Is Australia a kip?


I worked with a guy who looked very similar to him for a week. On the way home we’d stop at the bottle shop and he’d get a six pack of beer, possibly James Boag (in a green bottle @Chucks_Nwoko ?). He’d have four bottles drank during the 40 mins drive.


Sounds like Boags alright. I hope he was the one driving?

He was, a great man to balance a bottle.

What are the lockout laws? It certainly wasn’t a shit place for nightlife 20 years ago. What’s so bad about it now?

Basically for about 5 or 6 years, if you weren’t in somewhere by 1am you wouldn’t be let in anywhere after that. Last drinks were at 3am. This was generally in the CBD and other party hotspots like King’s Cross. (Conveniently, the casino was exempt - go figure).

This eventually led to a lot of your traditional late night clubs shutting up shop. A lot of punters just ended up staying in their suburban boozer instead of heading into the city for a mad night out. 6 years of that = less nightclubs & more cafe/restaurant businesses.

That was in 2014 and I think the laws were repealed last year.

Australians have an awful problem with the drink.

It’s like being on your holibobs 10 months of the year shur.

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Bruce can’t help himself

Id turn to drink too if i had to watch cricket.

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Cricket is a prime breeding ground for the “look at me” gimps.

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I was trying to get into a bar one night in the rocks with a few of my buddies years ago and the bouncer turns to the other guy and goes “Are we leaving in any Irish tonight?” The Aussies are awful

“just banter mate”

I was on the phone to Aussie Ben there this morning. He said his lad is camping with scouts, and the ground is so hard they had to use a drill to get the tent pegs in.

I see they are letting novax in for the tennis :joy: After all the show they made bating people with batons and sacking them from work for their own good.

@Chucks_Nwoko must be seething