Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Did you miss the 1999 Constitutional referendum? Maybe you were too traumatised by Manchester City operating in the third tier of English football that year to notice.

The aussies love the English, you might find that quite strange,
Cos they sent them all down under in only ball and chain,
And when they see the English, they always shout and scream,
But when the aussies had the chance, they voted for the Queen.

Imperialist Pig

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Whatā€™s the rules for Oz @Chucks_Nwoko , would Novak get in with a recovery cert and no vax?

If thereā€™s any justice or any merit in the Aussieā€™s exemption system heā€™ll be in shortly

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Whatā€™s with the general Eastern European reluctance to take the vaccine?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that they are the demographic that are taking up most of the ICU beds here.
A throwback to their communist past and a fear of government high jinks?

Or just plain backwards cunts?

These are very big decisions for a dominion to be making. The Australian really should refer this back to the mother country and the sear of the Empire.

As Clive James once said, the problem with Australia isnā€™t that theyā€™re descended from convicts, itā€™s that a lot of them are descended from prison guards.


Distrust of the state as a consequence of fifty years of communism and then free market fuckacting for thirty years.

And being a shower of awkward cunts who always think they know better.


Iā€™d agree with that synopsis.
They are a remarkably distrustful bunch.

hon Srdan Djokovic

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Donā€™t suppose they have Habeas Corpus in Australia?

OUT OUT they said.

No. Fosters on draught.


They should get Slobodan Milosevic on the case.

cc @mickee321

A very backward country

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How can anyone in good conscience live in that hellscape?

Željko Ražnatović, aka Arkan, would put the fear of God in them

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Can someone pick @Julio_Geordio up off the ground? :rofl:

Chucks and the mob down the airport all day