Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

New balls please


Ball is in Novax’s court now

In typical Aussie fashion, they will allow a guy who beats women in but won’t allow their most succesful player to take part because he didn’t put monkey juice in himself.


Huh? Nadal is in.

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Australia must be a kip ?

Australia is a cod of a country. Fascists are openly running the show there.


When the Australian wildfires raged a few years back Djokovic put his hand in his pocket to help the govt fight it.

When he made a personal choice not to put monkey juice in his body, the fascist Australian govt deported him.


It is a gorgeous, vast, interesting country, with unique wildlife, scenery like nowhere else and almost perfect weather.

And it’s being run by cunts

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All of which will kill you shtone dead.


Jesus suis novax

And you can get a pint after 8pm.:wink:

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This seems all very Irish. Can understand why Morrison would do it for short term political points but it looks fairly incompetent. Australia’s role in hosting major sporting events has to be in question now. Will F1 go back?

the Victorians said he was ok to come in

Scomo who is under pressure over the lack of anti gens saw this as a chance to win support

When F1 went back last year they just stopped short of sanitising the finish line like they did with the Aussie rules goal posts.

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There is not much science behind the decision to refuse the visa but plenty of theatre. Its also a well timed distraction today for the govt given that they broke all records for cases and inability to get tests of any description. Djokovic should have taken the high road. I’m sure he’ll pick up the record breaking slam title somewhere else.


Nothin remotely Irish about it. If twas Ireland, Michael Healy Rae would have met him at the airport, negotiated a ring road around castleisland and Novax would be tucked up in his hotel bed already so he would.

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Are the Aussies still doing well Covid wise?

It would appear that Novak didn’t have the appropriate visa. It’s been reported that he didn’t apply for a visa which allowed for a medical exemption for the unvaccinated. Amateur hour. They messed up their paper work.

It’s fascinating that most of the crew out batting here for Novak were screeching for Big Phil to be sacked last for not eating his dinner outside after a round of golf.

cases rising hugely

each state have different outcomes though

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