Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Novax should have done his own research about the requirements to enter Australia.


Australian Open 2021: Why Novak Djokovic’s visa was rejected (

It’s hardly a surprise given Australia locked out its own citizens from Australia.

A hermit nation.


Someone said he could get on that plane. He shouldn’t have been on one without that covered off and someone in Australia is responsible for that.

A nation of hermit surfers.

You stupid fuckers will get worked up about anything.


The “personal responsibility” fetishists looking to blame others, as usual.

The bottom line is the great unwashed Australian public didn’t want Novak in and PM Morrison only too happy to intervene and oblige.

So it seems like a short term win for ScoMo alright but won’t put Australia in good favour with sports authorities I’d guess. This is a fiasco.

Pretty funny story, don’t you agree?

Seems he (double) faulted on his Visa application.

Lads relax, we might let him play yet.

Some serious fault lines here between @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and his little poodle Smithers. They’re going to have to circle the wagons here quickly.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy a great champion and long standing supporter of all things Australian and the Australian way of life. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has denounced Australia as a fascist state, populated by thugs and has called on Serbia and the Serbian community to take up arms against it.

i have suffered badly from Australian border controls myself mate

NoVac Djokovic

Did they confiscate your mobile phone as well like they did with Novak?


He’ll have to declare war on Italy as well.


If you dont find this incredibly wrong you need to have a good look at yourself

I do, I’d extend it to all ages.