Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Poor lad in the van came off the worst apparently. There’s not much cushion in them yokes to take the impact.

Stolen vehicle at the centre of things according to my sources.


move this to the cager thread and not the Australia thread

I’m not sure how to move the post - would it be acceptable if I suspended @flattythehurdler instead?

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A win-win


Herald Sun on Twitter: “The Solomon Islands, just 1700km from Cairns, has signed a wide-ranging security deal with Beijing, raising concerns about the increased presence of China in the South Pacific.⁠ Here’s what you need to know.⁠ #SolomonIslands #SolomonIslandsDeal #China” / Twitter


The stupidity of Solomon.

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Imagine if the Russians had colonised Australia …

And Oz beholden to the Yanks. Haven’t they a military base in Darwin?

6 of one,…

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They have at least three in Australia.

Not really.

Australia has two choices due to geopolitical reality. Be allied with the US or with China. I think any reasonable reading of the situation would say being allied with the US is by some distance the better option.

Australia might find that they’ve already given the Chinese too much influence in a similar way to how the Germans have allowed the Russians too much influence.

The Chinese are bad news.

Don’t the Chinese own most of the Mining Industry in Australia as it is?

I don’t believe so. China is a major market for Australian raw material because geography. It’s a country of 1.4 billion people which is less far away from Australia than most other major countries, and which depends on constant development to drive its economy.

My understanding, which I took from an article on Bloomberg (I think) roughly three months ago, is that raw material exports to China have fallen since the start of the pandemic and Australia has found alternative markets to sell to.

However the Chinese own (or have taken a 99 year lease on) the port in Darwin, which has led to calls for a new, non-Chinese controlled port to be built.

If somebody could log the topics discussed here in the Experts thread that would be great.


Yeah, Aussies are sacrificing future generations with coal.and other.mineral.exports predominantly to China. Sacrificing their barrier reef even for it.

And China bought up swathes of rural farms. It dawned on the Aussies a bit late they were becoming China’s food bowl leading to a potential food security issue in the future. That port in Darwin referenced above was for export point for food as NT seen as huge potential for agricultural export

An poke towards Australia’s carbon/mining policy


Are you flying over to help with his campaign?


Morrison is lucky he isn’t Ed Miliband.

If a Labour/Labor leader did this the Murdoch press would be howling for him to resign.

Looks like Albo is going to do it and ScoMo is toast.

Labor Labor Labor!

The loons going full far right culture war against net zero went down like a lead balloon.

Quick dispatch from one of the Nationals pollster watchers – turns out that when Matt Canavan , Barnaby Joyce and Colin Boyce went on their net zero attack, all the Nationals seats went down.