Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

AnAl will ruin the country. Iā€™m considering cashing out and buying a B&B in Galway.

Youā€™ll be out of cash doing that.

Looks like scomo is gone

What are you talking about? The liberals have already ruined the country. Albo has to fix their shit now.

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Murdoch will exact a swift and brutal revenge for this outrage.

will the greens be needed?

Dunno yet, but theyā€™re having a good night and Labor will hve to work with them.
Generally the election campaigns of all the parties were frankly pathetic. But I was massively impressed by the Greens. Adam Bandt wa brilliant throughout the campaign, but the media just didnā€™t want to know.
Whic is isnā€™t surprising. All the major commercial channels have hosted liberal party fundraisers recently. The ABC have been so slaughtered by the Liberals that theyā€™re scared shitless to have the Greens on.
I am considering joining the Greens and actually getting involved. I think theyā€™re a great party and their policy platform is brilliant.


The main Greens policy was dental care to be included in Medicare. It would cost $8 billion per annum.
They costedbit by taking out the public subsidisation of coal mining. Every job in coal mining here is subsidised by about $100 k a year.
Coal companies that donā€™t pay any tax.
Coal owns this country.
I just spent $22k on implants on my teeth, badly needed and now Iā€™m set up for life.
But I can afford it.
The wife of one of my O35ā€™s team mates canā€™t.
What do I get from the Liberals? Weā€™ll give you
a tax cut.
I donā€™t want a fucking tax cut. I donā€™t want a poxy $5 a week extra.
I want you to fix Sueā€™s teeth, so this wonderful woman doesnā€™t have to spend her life in pain.
I donā€™t think this is a difficult equation.

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Itā€™s not funny. This woman like many millions is living in pain every day. She canā€™t afford the dental work she needs.
Itā€™s utterly ludicrous that this country is spending $90 billion on some poxy ridiculous, outdated submarines while people spend their lives in agony.

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As someone who has spent large parts of their lives with serious dental problems (as a result of going over the handlebars of a bike and landing on my face at 40kms when I was 17) I take this very seriously.
I know a lot of people here with massive dental problems they canā€™t afford to sort out. Iā€™d imagine itā€™s the same in Ireland.
You can take the piss out of it all you want. You have no idea how depressing it is if you do though.


Greens kicking ass in oz too

Our leader refused to stand in front of the oz flag


How are you getting on mate ?

Catch up on your return where we can discuss the hypocrisy of you lecturing us on all things ā€˜Greenā€™ yet fly to the other side of the world.

And please donā€™t use carbon offsetting as a get out of jail card.

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Heā€™s some piece of work.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has reduced his carbon footprint plenty and Iā€™m delighted an environmental leader like him is visiting to teach knuckle dragging climate sceptic aussies how to change.
What makes you so judgemental?

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Eh, a returning emigrant is an essential jourrney mate so all those carbon credits i have stored up from the tree planting dont need to be used on this trip

I think my 30 plus whatsapp messages a day about cycling irk him


He is tbf.

Out there driving a tough unpalatable agenda.

Yep he does plenty of driving alright


Sad to hear you surrendered your Irish passport