Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost



Jesus. You’ll need your own cloud soon, and the attending energy guzzling data centre…

@Chucks_Nwoko @Fitzy
Are ye safe from the storms?

Yes, all good here on the Central Coast, just shite loads of rain, but we’re used to it given what we’ve had over the last year.
Very bad in western parts of Sydney and some places like Lismore (northern NSW) that are still recovering from previous floods.
The new climate changed reality of Australia .


I was filling sandbags for the in-laws this morning. I doubt they’ll even get wet but better safe than sorry.

We all got out to see Elvis in the cinema this arvo. Very good.

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Sign in @Fitzy & @Chucks_Nwoko

I never thought I’d say this as an Irish person living in Australia, but I am sick to fucking death of rain.

Ye avoiding flooding?

I see something about a flood proof bridge that cost $100m, opened in 2020 and has flooded for the third time this year.

Like something we’d manage

Yes, we don’t flood here, but it’s just the incessant rain over months and months.
Many people have it very bad though. North amd west of here, their third or fourth time completely inundated this year.

We’ve had ten years of a government that makes Johnson look competent, so hardly surprising.
Thankfully the grown ups are in government now.

Is there many Towns, Housing Estates etc that haven’t been built in flood plains or valleys?

Presume farmers are happy all the same?

Lots of towns built in flood plains. Lots if people talking about rebuilding in exactly the same place.
There just isn’t the realisation even yet that climate change now means this rain and these floods wil continue in the future.
The farmers are fucked. Crops underwater and ruined.

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Land so sunbaked, doesn’t absorb the water. Like pouring it on bitumen

Saw somewhere where one guy has experienced 6 floods since moving to his house 20 years ago. 4 were in the last 12 months

Let’s revisit this in 2 years.

Bit out of date there mate. Land so soaked, it won’t absorb any more water.

Given the cracking pace they’ve set in the few weeks they’ve been in government, they’ll have achieved more in 2 years than the 10 years of utter disaster under the facist party.
Look at NSW Liberal Party Premier Dom Perottet today with Albo in Windsor - happy to work together, impressed with what he’s seen so far and calling out what a shit job Morrison did and what an utter shit he is.

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So just one of those years unfortunately. A blip in the grand scheme of things