Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

That’s four X one in one hundred year events in the space of a few months.
You’d swear something was happening with thr climate.

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Week 1 - Let’s abolish the construction watchdog who are keeping too close of a watch on our goons in the CFMEU. The unions run by overweight bikies form a large part of our voter base so let’s appease them. Cronyism alive and well in the Labour government.

The construction watchdog? Are you having a fucking laugh?
A partisan body put in place to break unions and allow construction companies get away with unsafe working practices and shitty builds leaving owners picking up the tab for phoenix companies.
Opal Tower anyone?
Would you go and fucking shite.

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Opal tower, constructed by a union builder of course. Great example. You’re probably aware of the union putting pressure on that builder to use a particular precaster. Funny how that turned out.

I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about on this particular subject.

Do you seriously want to go here?
The building certifier on Opal, previously reprimanded by your “watchdog” but allowed to go on his merry way and ruin a load of people’s lives. Then does a nice “confidential” deal with the “watchdog” to basically get away with it.

You’re flailing around tryimg to conflate dodgy building companies enabled by corrupt Liberal party politicians with unions. It’s not a good look mate.

The Clonmel Hardware Shop salesman & the lad who left a load of Subbies unpaid and on the breadline arguing about who knows more about construction.

Only on TFK :rofl:


I’ll break it down for you as best i can; The CFMEU is now the biggest legalized rort in the state.

The union take bribes from subcontractors.

The union pressures builders to appoint said subcontractors.

If a builder refuses, Union instructs members to picket builder’s sites.

Got it? Google former NSW Union leader Darren Greenfield and see what the results throw up.

Be careful or you’ll find yourself on timeout again :wink:

Could be worth it to see you grovel into asking me back again…

Lol you were the first man paid for the year!

I realise people paying their debts on time is a strange concept to you but I wouldn’t read too much into it

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You’ve reached a bit for that one. A bigger reach than Chris Olave at the 3 spot.

He’d mustn’t have issued the invoice under the security of payments act 1999 as he clearly pays no attention to it.

Like his betting, he probably only told them about it afterwards anyway

Rent free :rofl:

In the Valley in Brisbane. Lad stabbed died.

delete that ffs


ffs delete that shit

delete that mate