Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Delete that now you fucking idiot

Good God

Shove it up your bollocks you soft little fanny. You can ask in a decent manner.

Youve a young fella of similar age who’ll be starting to go out. I have myself. I’ve brother who goes over and back and spent plenty time in the valley. Shit like that terrifies me

But try remember your manners

As I said, you fucking idiot. When you’re finished telling us how hard you are and collecting your Dad of the week award, can you try not to have this forum shut down or criminals let off because of people sharing shit like this on the INTERNET

Fuck off back into your garden and keep avoiding life you fanny

Crippled! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Waterford Whispers, aussie-style.

All of the names quoted in this article are actually real. The worrying thing is none of what they are “quoted” as saying would surprise me in the slightest coming from them.

Strange story this one :smile:

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That’s an odd one alright. I guess you have stupid ignorant cunts everywhere, but they seem to get ahead in Australia.


@Chucks_Nwoko busy last night.


The reaction when he talks about one of their mothers and the other lads sister :joy:

Aussie fuckin media :rofl:

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I don’t have a sister
You will in 9 months :joy:


Lots of stuff don’t add up in this article.
I suppose they’ll make a movie out of it in due course.

It was like something outta Narcos.

Those poor police officers :cry:

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Living the dream

“I can’t understand what you are all doing back in Ireland, why you’re not here”

@Fitzy what does a gram of coke cost these days?

I’d imagine there’s a massive mark up over there and probably worth the risk for anyone who can establish a good supply route.