Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost


[quote=“Fitzy, post: 904604, member: 236”]Who’s your favourite Australian?
Adam Goodes for me, followed by Peter Cundall.[/quote]
The Duchess from Wolf of Wall Street easily.

Followed closely by Kylie, Marilyn, Danni and Milko.

Who is Milko, mate?

“Some viewers have written to Home and Away to complain about Miles’ eating habits.”

Mitchell Johnson
Marko Viduka

Thats a Surprise!

he won’t have the gumption to name the so called accused on here of course and will backtrack again…
story of kev’s life

I didn’t realise the Oz government was so fucked financially.
They are running a massive budget deficit and planning to sell $117bn worth of state assets to try and balance the books.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 904793, member: 1786”]I didn’t realise the Oz government was so fucked financially.
They are running a massive budget deficit and planning to sell $117bn worth of state assets to try and balance the books.[/quote]
Twill be a grand soft landing they’ll have all the same.

I also read on Broadsheet that Abbot government gave Newscorp a tax rebate of $750m, this is after Newscorp ran a concerted campaign to get Abbot elected.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 904793, member: 1786”]I didn’t realise the Oz government was so fucked financially.
They are running a massive budget deficit and planning to sell $117bn worth of state assets to try and balance the books.[/quote]
WA and one of the middle territories has been propping the rest of the country up for a few years now. Once they slowed down the rest of the country was goosed.

Whats this Broadsheet you speak of?

It’s all going pete tong alright. There is a mad rush here to make hay and fuck as many people over as they can in the building trade, especially if they are not Aussie (whatever an Aussie is, few here are actually from here). I hab be heard employers are trying to end sponsorship visas and all sorts. Dark daysahead, be another 12-18 months in it.
Irish are leaving in their droves, unlikely to be a reserves league in the Football this year.

Living the dream lol

:mad:[quote=“Mac, post: 904806, member: 109”]WA and one of the middle territories has been propping the rest of the country up for a few years now. Once they slowed down the rest of the country was goosed.[/quote]

No point being mad at me mate, the Aussie government are at fault.

Its some sort of a blog full of metrosexual crusties and feminist types. A proper cunt of a place.

Never heard of it.