Aviation Disasters

Yeah i heard this as well, that the plane did a 180 mid flight and basically doubled back. Something seriously dubious about it all.

There was a guy from Loughborough University on Morning Ireland today who advanced this theory, and says he knows of two such incidents in the last decade. The Brits never admitted shooting down that Aer Lingus plane in 1968.

I raised that earlier in the thread. The South East coast contingent on here were very noticeable in their silence on the matter.

It’s all still a bit raw.

It did a 180 AND doubled back? So it ended up back on the same flight path?

I raised shooting down on the first page of the thread


I saw this article on Reuters about the Chinese being angry at the North Koreans over a ‘near miss’ between a civilian plane and a North Korean rocket - http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/07/us-korea-north-china-idUSBREA260CV20140307

What was the flight path of the missing plane? Could it have been in range of a North Korean missile?

What are the chances it was a meteor strike*?

*A rock from outer space, not a labour stoppage by workers at the mobile phone network.

Alien abduction perhaps? Things are getting strange i’m starting to worry…

this could be a case for mulder and scully !

Cohle and Hart motherfucker.



It’s pretty obvious at this point that

I was just thinking the same thing…

Why would aliens want to abduct a plane full of Chinese?

Because they wouldn’t be missed?

Maybe they were hungry?

Plane full of Chinese, P-L-A-N-E.

Disgraceful comment.