Trump has just blamed black people and women for the crash but I’d prefer an opinion from somebody a bit more clued in and authoritative like @Funtime.
Trump basically blaming everyone he can in his presser. He even used the word bullshit when having a go at Pete Buttigieg.
I’m sure that’s comforting for the families of the people who died.
They want their air traffic controllers to be anti woke or in other words, asleep.
Under Trump America will have MORE air disasters and they’ll be BIGGER and BETTER.
FREEDOM from safety regulations is the attitude that made America GREAT and it’ll make America great AGAIN.
What is FREEDOM if not the FREEDOM of aircraft to fly anywhere they want, including into other aircraft?
You’d hope they didn’t hear that.
Trump went on to blame dwarves for the crash.
I don’t know if there were seven of them but I know that having DEI for people who are snow white (or orange) and are exceeedingly evil or stupid or corrupt or all three isn’t a good idea.
Anogher plane crash in the U S last night.
Looked like a missile to me
This man is an expert on so many things…
Way too early to engage in idle speculation . At this stage I would only venture that a multi craft incident has occurred and even that is going beyond what I am comfortable with
Where open water or rivers are involved we need to look very closely at those who appoint themselves guardians of craft upon water . Ive probably said too much
Is it possible an Uncle Albert style figure could been to blame? Possibly somebody from the RNLI?
Sinister paw marks of the rnli all over this in their plight to fight the diversity agenda
Japanese have form
This must be the “revolution” you talked about. A third major air incident in the US in a week.
A revolution in aviation safety to bring it in line with gun safety.
Maybe Trump could sack some more air traffic controllers to accelerate the collapse even further?