Aviation Thread (https://www.reforestnation.ie/offset-your-carbon)

So is this more blood on Trump’s hands or is that taking it a bit too far?

You’d want your head examined to be flying over Middle Eastern air space.

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It is according to @gaillimhmick

Iran killing 176 people, almost all Iranians? If anyone is to blame it’s Russia, as in the M17 crash, who supplied the SAMs.

The Iranians number 2 is killed.

The Iranians threaten revenge.

Scores of people are killed at number 2’s funeral.

The Iranians fire missiles at US bases and miss.

The Iranians shoot down one of their own commercial passenger jets killing 180 innocent people.

Some shoe gazing in Tehran right now.


The Russian missile system probably came pre programmed to shoot down any Ukrainian passenger planes

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These Iranians appear to be useless cunts.

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Iran is certainly loveless for the USA

There’s another really obvious pun there about shoegazing and the plane crash for anybody into that sort of thing

Even liberal hero Justin is saying it, an embarrassing few days for the Iranian backers.


They are going full Comical Ali

The head of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organisation has dismissed the US claims as “illogical rumours”, saying it is “impossible” that a missile hit the plane, according to Iranian media reports.

Trump trying to get impeachment off the front page has been directly and indirectly responsible for hundreds of deaths. I’d say he’s delighted it worked so well. UUCOAM

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I see his supporters here have admitted he’s to blame for the crash

Not yerself now, before you accuse me

That’s a big turn up

I’ve seen a few lefty headbangers now suggest that it wasn’t a mistake by their favourite homosexual hating nation Iran, but a false flag operation by Israel.


You can probably spend your time in better ways than scouring the INTERNET looking to be offended m8

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Case closed

I’m not offended, I’m laughing at them.


Sure, pet

Head on missile strike, would confirm why there was no radio contact to indicate they were in trouble

Thank fuck some random Iranian just randomly happened to be filming that random part of the night sky and luckily caught this footage

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