Azerbaijan v Ireland, Saturday 5pm, Baku & RTÉ2

I think this game needs its own thread.

Any starting lineup predictions?

A victory for Stephen Kenny’s charges would be just the shot in the arm his reign requires.


I fear defeat

I think we’ve turned the corner. Callum to fire the goals to take us into a new era.

Fuck it. Signing out.

An early blow for the fans

Jesus that is fucking needy.


You’d nearly want to shout for Azerbaijan after that

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Need to start Callum Robinson anyway.

Stephen Kenny needs to get on this ASAP and sort out a late bar for the COYBIG. The useless cunt

Win or lose we are on the booze

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Would you bother with the match if you found a decent boozer over there?

We very nearly didn’t bother going to Ireland-Spain in Gdańsk in Euro 2012. Having walked from Poznań city centre to the stadium for the Croatia match, we decided to play smarter and travel out to the stadium much earlier in the day when transport options were plentiful. So an enthusiastic taxi driver told us he knew a great little pub, a hidden gem, in a residential area near the ground. It was the Gdańsk version of The Hideout, nestled away beside some houses and apartments with the stadium just away yonder through some waste ground. We got very, very drunk there during the day. Almost curl up in a ball on the ground and go to sleep drunk and certainly not walk anywhere drunk. I was slumped forward in a seat with my face on a table for a while and vaguely recall a conversation with the others about whether we’d stay in the pub. Somebody got a renewed burst of energy and rounded us up and we trudged slowly to the nearby ground. It would have been a shame to miss out on seeing Simon Cox working his magic up and down the left flank in our 4-5-1.


Cool story

Is this the Cork version of Waterford Whispers or this is a serious article?

That’s me firmly put in my place. A cynical body check of a post, and I’m now metaphorically rolling around on the ground.

Injury doubts about Idah and Knight
When I was picking my team in my head last night I had these 2 as starters
I’m back to the drawing board

It’s written like a spoof article, but it doesn’t seem to be. Confusing

Post up the squad there please. Has Knight got much football since returning from injury?

Take into account any withdrawals/additions since the initial announcement.