My least fav ever is back on our airwaves. I’ll do my best to get it right…
Susan, can you book me a taxi for 3 o’clock and make sure they turn up this time?
No problem, since we’ve been using National Radio Cabs, blah blah blah, reliable etc
Have you got shares or something with national radio cabs?
No such luck, but I must admit, some of the drivers are rather cute!
For me, this ad sickens the shite out of me, worse than that Brennan one does to Bandage about the eye surgery. First of all Susan sounds hot, but sorry, if she thinks that some taxi drivers in Dublin are, and I quote, “kinda cute” then Susan is some kind of desperate bird that needs eye corrective surgery. Now that I think of it, it could have been the Brennan bird off the eye laser ad. Ah haaa.
The one that gets me at the moment goes something like this:
“I’ve spent many years of my life in the company of famous icons and I never thought I’d be lucky enough to experience that again. Now with the museum of Style Icons at Newbridge Silverware I can…” or some other such shite like that. What a fucking whore Gay Byrne is.
[quote=“Locke”]My least fav ever is back on our airwaves. I’ll do my best to get it right…
Susan, can you book me a taxi for 3 o’clock and make sure they turn up this time?
No problem, since we’ve been using National Radio Cabs, blah blah blah, reliable etc
Have you got shares or something with national radio cabs?
No such luck, but I must admit, some of the drivers are rather cute!
For me, this ad sickens the shite out of me, worse than that Brennan one does to Bandage about the eye surgery. First of all Susan sounds hot, but sorry, if she thinks that some taxi drivers in Dublin are, and I quote, “kinda cute” then Susan is some kind of desperate bird that needs eye corrective surgery. Now that I think of it, it could have been the Brennan bird off the eye laser ad. Ah haaa.[/quote]
Stop listening to Newstalk Locke, its only on that station. Half the ads on Today fm are for Today fm. have they not figured out if you’re already listening…
[quote=“therock67”]The one that gets me at the moment goes something like this:
“I’ve spent many years of my life in the company of famous icons and I never thought I’d be lucky enough to experience that again. Now with the museum of Style Icons at Newbridge Silverware I can…” or some other such shite like that. What a fucking whore Gay Byrne is.[/quote]
[quote=“therock67”]The one that gets me at the moment goes something like this:
“I’ve spent many years of my life in the company of famous icons and I never thought I’d be lucky enough to experience that again. Now with the museum of Style Icons at Newbridge Silverware I can…” or some other such shite like that. What a fucking whore Gay Byrne is.[/quote]
Yeah, Newstalk is where I hear it. Nearly as bad as the Sean Moncriff one with him talking to some randomer about if he listens to the Radio or not. That one is up there too…
“Hi Sean. You look tired”
“Yeah Mick, i’m really tired”
“Why dont you give these guys a call. Worked wonders for me”
“Oh that sounds great. Whats their number”
“Great. I’ll give them a call. 0871234567”
“And you’ll be up and about in no time”
Stupid fooking put on fake conersations. At least have a bit of cop on in your ads.
There is another one on Newstalk, can’t remember which, think it it is car insurance.
So they do the phone number…
Bla Bla Bla
Ring 017854585
[SHOUTS] Thats 017854585
Wake up to to a better deal [or something like that]
The guy shouting the number is so annoying.
And it’s not like they only have this one on in the morning, like I’m doing you a favour by shouting and waking you up. Fuck off, fuck right off.
I’ll keep an ear out for this one so I can name and shame the company.
If we extended this to TV and Radio we could really have a field day.
There’s one now about a doctor or a dentist ringing his receptionist and asking her how the kids are etc. before asking if there’s any patients out there. Then the ad launches into some bollix about “Give your Doctor / Dentist more to do this week / month / something”
Annoys the crap out of me.
Doesn’t come close to that Eddie Hobbs yoke though.
That ad makes no sense. If you get car insurance with your friends will think you are the cheapest person they know. Score. What the fuck?
There is an ad for I think for Chrysler cars. And they go on about how there are no hidden extras or hidden costs and how extras on normal cars come as standard on Chryslers. Then at the very end of the ad you hear. “Delivery and related charges extra. Terms and Conditions apply” or something like that. Ridiculous.
Krusty: All right, here’s the deal. Every time you watch my show, I will send you… [holds up a check] forty dollars!
Voice: [fine print] Checks will not be honored.
Also so many bad website names out there.
All these websites that if you see the name alone the site could be anything.
Another thing that drives me mad are these two things:
Companies trying to turn their product into a verb.
Just do it, B&Q it.
Don’t shop for it, Argos it. [That is from a former Argos employee]
Let’s Fifa '09.
Unless it happens semi-naturally like Google don’t even try it.
How many times have ye seen/heard this:
There are pensions and there are Eagle star pensions/
There are wardrobes and there are slide robe wardrobes
There are showers and there are triton showers
That ad makes no sense. If you get car insurance with your friends will think you are the cheapest person they know. Score. What the fuck?
There is an ad for I think for Chrysler cars. And they go on about how there are no hidden extras or hidden costs and how extras on normal cars come as standard on Chryslers. Then at the very end of the ad you hear. “Delivery and related charges extra. Terms and Conditions apply” or something like that. Ridiculous.
Krusty: All right, here’s the deal. Every time you watch my show, I will send you… [holds up a check] forty dollars!
Voice: [fine print] Checks will not be honored.
Also so many bad website names out there.
All these websites that if you see the name alone the site could be anything.
Another thing that drives me mad are these two things:
Companies trying to turn their product into a verb.
Just do it, B&Q it.
Don’t shop for it, Argos it. [That is from a former Argos employee]
Let’s Fifa '09.
Unless it happens semi-naturally like Google don’t even try it.
How many times have ye seen/heard this:
There are pensions and there are Eagle star pensions/
There are wardrobes and there are slide robe wardrobes
There are showers and there are triton showers