Ban garda fatties

That’s exactly how Clare Hurlers ended up.
Is it still going?

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He has really life experience and evidently a good work ethic. Some of the cunts on here wouldn’t work to warm themselves. Audtioning instead for forum moderation. Its quite sad and embarrassing really. For them.


@myboyblue is certainly known to the Gardai but not sure he’s a member of.

Those two you mentioned, recently banned @bill, that boring drip @Breaking_my_balls.

I’m sure there are a couple of others.

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They hate being made to look stupid. Of course they are stupid so it’s just holding a mirror up to them. To reflect on their reflection. Their lives are generally a disappointment to them but about on point where a disinterested third party knew they would end up.


No idea lad.

Bill had to go

@bill does seem to get a little excited but I’ll leave those calls to the forum moderators. I do hope never to be on the wrong side of him swinging a baton when he’s keepng the peace though.

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Looks like it is.
I left years ago when they started posting satanic photos.
This place is bad, but not that bad TG.

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What do you think?

Oh well that speaks volumes, and I wasn’t being personal, it was honest observation

I know the score kid.

Fuck seems as if my little post has ruffled s a few feathers for some reason, as for calls for banning I’ve not seen any, but then I’ve a lot of miscreants on ignore

Only if you insist, then again whatever floats your baid

His spelling and grammar can be a bit poor at times but he’s an alright sort other that that.

You see, from the thread title it’s not clear whether he wants to ban fat gardaí or that all Ban Gardaí are fat. You might clarify that please @Corksfinedtboy.


No need to reply twice mate

Thomas that shouldn’t be between your Christian and surname_

Couldn’t resist the dig bud, but how condescending of you :wink:

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FYI baid as in boat

Why would I want a ban on obese gardai? :thinking:

Lads, we can all have the craic.

But please do it coherently and readable in one sitting.

Perhaps cutting out 50’s style misogyny too?