Banks - Cunts

You can also but Bitcoin & gold on it.

Same as. I was getting a daily email from them since around last December about needing to verify ID again because of Brexit. I got an urge to sort it out the other day, as receiving the same email for around the 145th day in a row irked me. Uploaded the pictures and approved in a minute or so.

What’s an AML ?

Revolut is linked with a funding bank account.

Cash in and cash withdrawals are the way to go with a PP account. Not so easy with Bet365. Some people use Skrill but I have not used it myself.

Anti Money Laundering

Have a look at TransferWise for that. I find it excellent.

Bizarre. What bank

Informative never heard that before. I thought a lot of the limitation on upper limit was enforced by the operator of the machine rather than the card company.

Thirty quid limit on BOI cards. Tescos also have a similar limit across their stores which is another reason not to shop there.

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No way it should have been able to happen.

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Is your name James Cronin?


Grand until your card is robbed and you don’t know about it.

On Revolut I only ever have a max of about 300 on it so my losses are limited. The reason I got it in the first place was to limit my losses taking money out of ATM machines in Africa where skimming is rife.

The recent update to the Revolut App is awful.


Terrible I liked having recent transactions on homepage. It is also more difficult to flick through various menus. Took me ages to find vault

Does this mean you can transfer funds across currencies in larger sums effortlessly and at the spot rate??

Sarah McEnerney is giving Brian Hayes some chasing here

Hayes is a fuckin whore. He’ll take money off anybody.


Pearce Doherty destroying Hayes on Rte 1 atm.