Banks - Cunts

Itā€™s not possible to process direct debits and standing orders through a direct debit account I presume?

A further twist to this.
Got a letter last week from BOI Mortgages saying that as I had applied for a mortgage break they would be giving me 3 months free life insurance as the mortgage life policy is with BOI Life. I only need to contact them if I donā€™t want itā€¦

It would seem pretty pointless to have a direct debit account that couldnā€™t process direct debits.

But yes CUs can do direct debits and standing orders. Not all, but all the dub ones should be able, and if not your local one you can join the one nearest where you work

Tell em nothing. Consider it compensation for them wasting your time

Thatā€™s my thinking on it.
I already have a letter from them acknowledging that the application of the mortgage break was an error on their part, so I have that kept aside in case they ever try to use it against me in the future.

Sorry I meant credit union account. Thanks

Issues with receiving payments to Bank of Ireland accounts this morning.

You canā€™t get smished if there is no money in your account


Always have a few quid in the Revolut to avoid such an occurence :wink:

My worry is how are revolut making money??

Youā€™ve a lot to be worried about

Id have thought fact that donā€™t lend, theyā€™re taking in peopleā€™s dosh and just fattening off the interest? Little overhead as no branches, staffing etc

Edit: appears im not at the races at all having read that article

What does it say?

theyre making money

Itā€™s very brief! They get a touch from every transaction the card is used for + subscription fees.

Fuck Tipp

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Have you fallen this far ?

Read it yourself

i wouldve thought that this is a step up for him

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