Banks - Cunts

You donā€™t get charged a fee and get a fair exchange rate

Edit I thought the post I was replying to was about sending foreign currency

Revolut is handy for group meals etc as as young as you have an account you can send to peopleā€™s phone numbers without messing around with Ibans

Do both parties have to use Revolt?

The other party get their sterling, makes no difference to them

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No, you can use revolut to send to an IBAN. I send GBP to my IPTV manā€™s account

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Far easier than PayPal to useā€¦ If you have someoneā€™s phone number and they are on revolut you can give them immediate payment with one click

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Be careful with revolut. If you set up an account youā€™ll have non stop requests from mrs pepper to send money to her friends, the cleaner, the school parents groupsā€¦ its costing me a fortune!

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I donā€™t have one, but if I did Mrs. Pepper wonā€™t be knowing about it. Iā€™m old style. The young lads have them alright.

Fair play.
I much more prefer to see the ā€œBanks Cuntsā€ thread bumped than the ā€œbanksā€ thread. Thereā€™s a certain bit more excitement about it.

The BOI website seems to be down.
Can somebody verify please?

This appears to be a phishing post lads, be careful

Itā€™s up again encouraging people to use the phone app instead of a PC.
I donā€™t like apps.

Use this instead

Ulster Bank have finally officially pulled the plug.

How bad?:ok_hand::smiley:

Bizarre. And there a queue of European banks who want to come into Ireland and are blocked from doing so :roll_eyes:


I wasnā€™t aware other European banks wanted to come into the country. Thought we were seen as the wild west for banking. Would be great to see more choice here.

I was being facetious

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Whereā€™s this Spanish crowd that were supposed to come in?

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