Banks - Cunts

The IT infrastructure in BOI is akin to the HSE.

There are literally lads working there in back offices with pens and paper recording stuff. Archaic. Shambolic.

All the boss wants to do is shut branches and get women into positions of power.

Iā€™ve no real basis for any of this only speculative conversations with a a few lads.

Working in the bank is gas though. Itā€™s like the civil service except you can stick your nose right into the trough.


Former CEO Soden tried to outsource the IT and the lifers mugged him off good and proper.


:smile: , TFK at itā€™s finest.


It was a tap in really.He couldnā€™t miss :grinning:

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Will a vulture fund try and buy my UB tracker mortgage from me ?

He fucking pegged it, so he did.

Boi is shocking have to log on laptop to change any standing orders etc. Pain in the hole

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No. Iā€™d say AIB will buy all the performing loans. They will buy all the trackers for a big discount to compensate for the low rateā€¦ So any chance you might have had of getting a big discount on the mortgage to give away the tracker will be taken by aib

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On the BOI desktop site now, you have to verify every change or transaction with your phone. But yet on mobile app you donā€™t have to do any extra authentication. Seems fairly daft to me

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The house always wins.

Itā€™s getting to stage where if you lose your phone or change your phone number you wonā€™t be able to access your money.


Indeed. Tis all the wan hereā€¦ Barring you had cash to pay it off sitting on d tracker for ever more is a good place to beā€¦

True enough.

I thought you needed to do the verification on the app too, it came up once but never again. I thought it was a new EU requirement

Seems pretty obvious alright

Multi Factor Authentication. Becoming the standard

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I understand that. But it doesnā€™t seem to exist on mobile only

The first time you use the phone with the BOI banking app it does. Not thereafter alright.

Thatā€™s right. And I thought the authentication needs to happen on a per transaction basis rather than just a one time thing.

But sure itā€™s a trivial thing in the overall scheme of things I suppose

Mobile phone exploits are far less common than PC/browser based ones. Mobile vulnerabilities are only in the hands of Govs etc so probably less of a threat.

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