Banks - Cunts

On Mobile
Something you have - your authorised phone
Something you know - your id and pin

On the desktop
Something you know - your id and pin
Something you have - your authorised phone

Thats multifactor

The others are:

Something you are - biometric (fingerprint etc)
Something you do - a pattern, signal etc


I need some help gents and ladies.
I want to transfer a significant sum into euros.
Is revolut a safe place to do this?
Ed was saying something this morning about a savings account being covered by some guarantee or other.
I want to hold it in Euros for probably up to a year.
He also said they were valued at 4 billion or something, but so was Enron I said. He laughed. We were then running into a headwind uphill so didn’t talk anymore.

We use these guys in work for client fx and find them very good. You can leave money there/wait for a rate etc. Lots of options.

Don’t use revolut. They can lock your account arbitrarily and post Brexit there are issues.

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If it is a significant sum then shop around. Banks will do a lot better than the advertised rate for a large sum

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Do you have a bank account in both currencies? If so I don’t think you can beat currency fair. Peer to peer trading with a very small commission.

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Have found Transferwise to be excellent.

You can book a guaranteed rate with them for a short period which may be useful.

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I wouldn’t have thought so

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Your phone is becoming your ID card.

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The quality of the answers here are somewhat underwhelming.
I can pm you my bank details if it’s any assistance.
Alternatively, I have a friend whom I’d imagine has bank accounts in both jurisdictions.

Plenty of options when you delve in. Hush money payments also a speciality… :wink:


Bank staff have successfully put themselves out of a job. You’ll need to do that online, you can lodge cheques in the machine at the front etc etc.
I haven’t been in a branch in yonks

The BOI in Askeaton is literally in the centre of the town. A massive building, don’t see what will fill it.

A rubby football museum?


There was only wan fella from Askeaton who ever played Rugby. He ended up playing for Ireland. Not terribly difficult it would seem. I suppose we could build a museum to him.

Bruff gone.

A craft brewery using water from the River Deel.

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Aughinish Red Ale


Tastes a bit metallic

The carbolic acid is great for the gut bacteria