Banks - Cunts

A Wyeth Cream Liqueur would be great too.

The Callan branch is getting the axe the bastards! At least Douglas has survived the cull.

The Sheridans will find something to fill it with!

Oughterard gone. BOI protecting the brand here.

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Rathkeale gone too - shit got real .

Surely this can be challenged on some equality law ??

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And Killester too. @Bandage mugged off.

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If you could coordinate a planning bribe in co Galway, Iā€™d gladly bribe you for that.

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It wasnt the staff though pushing it. I was involved in a lot of the refurbs for BOI branches about 10 years ago when the automation aspect was being brought in. The design of them is to move the counter to a non visual site from the front door and that the first thing youā€™ll see is the machines. It involved a good bit of work and coordination to switch them around.

The caveat on all this work was that it was under orders from the Troika that there had to be redundancies from an inefficient staff model. Some places were fine, staff were happy to take big payouts, but other places weā€™d go to look at before works start was all hush hush. We would go into the bank and not speak or look at drawings etc and staff wouldnt know work had happening until they came back on the Monday after the weekend. Some branches had the union picket them and work was stopped after the first weekend of the program until the staff and BOI head office came to agreements.

And then after, it pissed off a lot of staff because they had as much work telling dopey customers how to press buttons and how to lodge cheques in what is supposed to be a quick operation. Standing there asking people in queues if they were ok and needed help. The ā€œcustomer service welcome deskā€. Iā€™d say whoever got that spot on a Monday morning rotation hated it.


Mrs KP would be friendly with a girl who is a BOI lifer and weā€™d know a good few from the groupā€¦ The majority of them would be a self important crowd of cunteens who thought they were part of some High Flying Complex Finance Outfit. Iā€™d smile when Iā€™d land into the branch and Amanda was there showing ould Jim how to lodge a cheque and a big puss on her :joy:


Good suggestion there that perhaps the banks could offer thd branches they own to An Post for nominal rent and let them use the bigger buildings.

Also a mention of converting the banks into co-working type hubs.

good idea

BOI are partnering with An Post so the post office will handle the nuts and bolts for BOI customers.

I know that.
The idea mention above being link to the fact the bank premises are generally far bigger than the post office ones. So instead of having small posts offices very busy, there might be scope for the post offices to take over some of the bank buildings.

First you spoke up for the HSE. Now youā€™re going nuts on behalf of An Postā€¦ is there something you wanna tell us?

Smaller rural towns have had to make do with the ā€˜mobile bankā€™ for a while so the post office has diversified from handing out pension and dole. I gather some of the branches closing are earmarked for WFH regional hubs for BOI.

Iā€™d say theyā€™re being earmarked for Costa Coffee and KFC.

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Thatā€™s also likely :grinning:

Thereā€™s a right little bollix in the bank in town. He seems to have a PHd in cuntishness based on his antics. Slow, heā€™s perfected it. He disappears from sight after or in the middle of transactions leaving you exasperated.

This encounter took place about a month ago, I kid you not.

Weā€™ve been doing this dance for years now, the cunt sees me in the queue (of 3) and tips off to tell the othersā€¦I envisage it going like thisā€¦

Quick, camera 3, hereā€™s this grumpy bastard Boxtyeaterā€¦

Good morning Sir, how can I help?
I wish to change this $100 bill to cash.
$100, havenā€™t seen one in a while. (Holds bill up to light, kills 45 secs more.
Your name Sir, and do you have an accout here?
Boxtyeater and yes, the number isxxxxxxxxx
And where did you get this $100

At this stage Iā€™m fit to burst the cunt but we dance onā€¦

Wife received a Christmas card with it enclosedā€¦He disappears offā€¦Grrrr
Meanwhile this cunt is regaling the other cunts pointing out my seethingā€¦

Heā€™s back, the bastard. Youā€™ll have to lodge it to your wifeā€™s account Sir.
Hasnā€™t got one here Dave, sheā€™s an invalid.
Sorry about that but the rules areā€¦
Dave, gimme the fucking $100 bill and Iā€™ll be out of your hair.

I recover the bill while I imagine the little bastard chortling with his cronies as to how heā€™s clocked up another disaffected customer. A cunt.


Skip to about 8 mins inā€¦ A great listen

They hate when they have to do a bit of actual banking.
Was it a cheque for a $100 or a note. Bizarre for him to say you can only lodge a note to your wifes account