Banks - Cunts

@artfoley has looked after that

Good to see Ronan is opening a new resteraunt as well

Private investors buying big chunks from corporate receiverships…tbey don’t buy individual properties

You’re not

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Yeah… They buy in blocks of 30-40 a go.

I’d not like to be his landlord

Will KBC mortgage rates revert to BOI rates or what will happen? We just fixed for 2 years so I assume nothing can change for that period?

And can I consolidate my KBC account to my BOI one or will I have to have 2 BOI accounts?


No matter what happens your contract with KBC on the loan will have to be honoured

No idea on the accounts.

I’d say most unlikely this transaction be done before your fixed rate expires

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Got a mail from BOI this morning. Cunts are starting to bring in negative interest rates from Aug. Costing you money for having savings. Who would be a good alternative to move to?

It’s only if you have a million in savings I think

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Billy big biscuits

And, what’s your point?

We’ve had it on business accounts last two months. It’s a bit of a pain in arse.

I don’t think it’s going to impact many people

That we as a nation don’t like successful people.

And having a million in the bank might be considered a measure of success.

It’ll impact a lot of businesses - most businesses have to carry cash to run. It’s another cost to business.

It’s bizarre. Banks don’t want money now - know of somebody with a substantial amount of cash after a business sale and he struggled
to place it anywhere

Bitcoin anyone?

But it is a problem alright. It’s mental.

You’d want to be fair ballsy :joy::joy:

Ya I’m only taking about private bank accounts

That’s true. You’d wonder what effect it will have in terms of spending/investing cash and will it drive inflation.