Banks - Cunts

Ireland allowed it.

But it seems to me the nexus of international finance and criminality is completely labyrinthine, permeates right to the heart of much of international politics and is always about ten steps ahead of underfunded regulators and pretty much anybody who might blow a whistle on it. It’s like performance enhancing drugs in sprinting.

Nobody can tell me Brexit wasn’t mainly conceived of as a giant scam to enable fraud and legalised fraud.

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I wouldn’t doubt that for a second


Cool, bro, the motives of the filthy rich and their minions who advocated for Brexit for years were entirely pure. Never, ever doubt the purity of the motives of the likes of Arron Banks and Nigel Farage.

68 years old.
€93 per month for 30 years.
God love him, either way, it doesn’t add up…

Bank get the proceeds of sale when he dies.

The right dart for vulture funds.

Only for the outstanding amount, which seems fair.

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He gets to stay in home paying an affordable amount and the debt gets settled, surely it’s a good solution?


I presume they will continue to accrue interest for the 30 years. That will be significant.

I doubt anyone in Europe is even aware of the Irish times. May as well be in the Galway advertiser.

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Fair if you believe in free money for all.

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Look over there, look over there.

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What free money? Loan is repaid over a longer period, what’s you issue?

Not that it will make any difference, but:

If you read as far as the first few words you’d see it was in partnership with 16 other media organisations. You need to slow down a bit Flatty.

When are all those foreign banks arriving into the hopelessly anti-competitive Irish mortgage market where they will clean up.

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I take it you struggled through pass maths.

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Ireland actively encourages and facilitates tax evasion for wealthy outsiders. They change the rules to suit. The cap doffers praise such shithousery and complain about welfare cheats.

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Ok mister snarky, thought you might be in a bit better form after the Shefflin news.
