Banks - Cunts

Arah Iā€™m doing a debt restructure to facilitate one of us to take a career break/reduced hours.


You think this will stay that way for next 20 years?

No, same terms as original mortgage mate. They look at ltv alright

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I ended up with two mortgages at two different rates from when I did the extension, I think the fixed rate on one of them is up in the new year. Also due the 1% cash back offer :pint:

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Informative, thanks mate.

No. Which is why Iā€™m fixing. I canā€™t see it going above 5% though which a very low risk portfolio would yield with any of the brokers.

Pumping into the mortgage is very rarely worth it

Yeah similar. Iā€™ve a tracker on the main mortgage which is nearly done and a fixed rate 3.2% fixed on the extension which expired last month.

Is it worth the 1.5k to switch? Will the saved interest over the term be more than that?

Agree 100%. Say you have a 20 year mortgage and you spend 10 years making repayments and horsing in lump sums as well. If you croak after 10 years, your life assurance policy clears the rest for your missus or kids, and youā€™ve burned the lump sums for nothing. Thatā€™s only one good reason. Mortgage is the cheapest money youā€™ll ever get.


Agreed. Nice to be debt free too. Donā€™t fancy slaving into my late 50s

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The carbon sequestering grant will cover that.

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If you wanted you could earn more on the lump sums and use the profit to chip away at the mortgage.

Its cheap money mate.


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Youā€™ve 3 farms you cunt, donā€™t be pretending to the lads that youā€™re broke.



I got a genuine laugh there mate

Sure any excess should be fired into maximising AVCs.

I looking at my big toe sticking through my sock here pal and not a rex to buy a pair nor a wife to stitch it.


You canā€™t take it with you.

Thatā€™s a fact.

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Have you listed savage Fertiliser cost increases?