Banks - Cunts

Block the number and delete the message (will save you or another accidentally clicking the link)
Any other information is superfluous

I mean ffs the cia/nsa/mi5 et Al can all listen to your phone calls and maybe more but no-one can stop the cunts who are thieving millions out of people via phishing. Worlds fucked

I’m just wondering what the scam is

I get messages all the time my phone telling me it has blocked spam texts coming through. Iv never got one of these.

And its a cheap as shit huawei

I updated my message there. The actual domain in the link is down now.

Domain registered 6 days ago

Seems legit :rofl:

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That means absolutely nothing to me.Is it just for gathering data?

I block them always unless they email me or send a letter or its a text I’m expecting its sent to deletion.

But people get caught and other than telling people not to click links, there is fuck all else being done. It is very hard to caught these folks as I assume they are in Russia or outside the EU/US

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You click it and they’ll bring you to a site asking for you to put in your online banking details basically.

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What Julio said ^

Yes. It will get you to input your six digit pin in two go’s. It’s fiendishly clever. A woman put a video of it working on social media a couple of weeks ago.

The lads in Beijing respond to the scam texts for you telling them to stand down that you are a CCP asset.

The lads here are messing, it’s a lad outside Dowra wondering have you any square bales left from last year. You could have the courtesy to reply.


My Irish bank account is with KBC guys.

Which bank is the best to switch over to?

I was going to suggest Ulster Bank but your deposit of large quantities of £5 notes might be problematic

AIB app is decent. Apparently the BOI app is very bad.

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Is N26 just another Revolut or is it different in some ways?

I would not keep a lot of cash in a Revolut account

N26 has a banking license. Revolut doesn’t so your money is a little bit safer with N26.


Ah right.

KBC definitely seems to have the best perks.

EBS looks the best value there but the fact they have no app seems to rule them out for me.

PTSB seems to be the best option there.