Banter or Racism

The biggest issue is the hypocrisy of the left. The wise poster @labane1917 warned that this was the inevitable outcome during the Brett Kavanaugh character assassination, which effectively declared open season on the past of every politician and public figure.

Sidney made an ass of himself again recently, quoting the latest allegation on Kavanaugh as fact, simply because it was reported in the media, ignoring the fact it was written by two shameful “journalists” infamous for their exposes based on no evidence. The NY Times had to back away from the story within a day.

When you are as married to an ideology as he is, you will literally believe anything with no supporting evidence, and disbelieve anything with supporting evidence, if it fits with your belief system. It’s one of the most interesting aspects of human psychology, the ability to be both intelligent and incredibly stupid simultaneously.

Was it North Carolina where there was recently a politician the media wanted to resign because he wore blackface in college? In fairness that lad was a democrat.

They’re comfortable enough getting rid of a Southern Democrat for blackface but getting rid of Trudeau is on another level. Doesn’t fit the liberal narrative.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, sorry.

It was Ralph Northam, the governor of Virginia. There were calls for his resignation, but the story is now dead and he is still in office. His next in line was Lt Gov Justin Fairfax, who has been accused of sexual assault / rape by two women, and the next in line is AG Mark Henning who has also been pictured wearing blackface.

The calls for all their resignations ended when the Democrats and media realized the fourth in line was a Republican.

Virginians are mad for a bit of blackface.

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When I was a young lad I decided to dress up as Muhammad Ali for a fancy dress competition. Got the boxing gloves and shorts and a little dressing gown. Before I went out I headed down under the stairs and got out some black boot polish to put it on my face and out I went. My arms and legs were white. I didn’t win first place but scored highly.

It took me fucking ages and a lot of flannel and soap that night to wash it off my face which was red raw after it all.

To my knowledge there are no photos of it but who knows.


I lived in Holland as a child where you had Black Peter as St Nicholas’ helper. Think it’s become more controversial now but the majority of Dutch people do not see him as a racist character.

eeny meeny miny moe
Catch a …

Tout by the toe
If he squeals give him one in the head
Eeny meeny miny moe

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Yeah but that whole thing is mental and more broadly Dutch society has a lot of problems with racism.

Every european country has a problem with racism.

Humans have a problem with racism

Yet another right wing politician exposed for racism

Quelle surprise, as they say in Canada

But from glancing at the thread earlier the reaction from certain posters is really strange

The forum’s racists seem to be calling this racism when they’ve failed to do so about any amount of other racist incidents involving their heroes

Their outrage seems very, very selective

That’s a dead giveaway that they don’t actually give a shit about racism

Isn’t it ironic, as a Canadian once said

I have a decent story about Black Pete.

My friend used to work in Dublin for an IT company that worked in the motor vehicle sector. The Dublin office was just one branch of a Europe-wide operation, with offices in lots of other countries. The head office was in Manchester and that’s where the Christmas party took place every year. All the workers from all around Europe flew into Manchester once a year and got absolutely shit-faced.

The year before my friend joined the company there was serious controversy at the Christmas party in Manchester. The Dutch office thought that it would be great fun to turn up like this:

The next week very serious company e-mails were sent out across Europe, reminding people of what behaviour was and was not acceptable at the Christmas party. This all happened just a few years ago.

Banter or racism?

What hypocrisy?

You’ve literally failed to point out any hypocrisy whatsoever.

What is utterly hypocritical is your utterly selective and opportunistic attitude towards, racism, despite the fact that you’re demonstrably and unreconstructed and unapologetic racist and sectarian bigot.

Barf lied under oath and was a sexual predator when he was younger and the very candidate you claim to support has consistently called for his dropping out and now impeachment.

It’s mad how you seem to disagree with her on pretty much everything.

I suppose that sort of weird stuff happens when you claim to support a non-white candidate in a desperate attempt to prove to people you’ll never meet that you aren’t a racist.

Is Justin a racist?

Oh absolutely that was racist

If he was doing that, that certainly made him a racist

Who knows whether he still is

People can change

Funny how there was such defence of Liam Neeson here when he admitted he wanted to kill a black man, any black man, on the basis that people can change

Something I actually agree with, incidentally

People who are very much racist currently are consistently defended on this forum

@anon7035031 and the other usual suspects do it all the time

I’d be interested to know what your record on calling out racism is

Something tells me there isn’t much of one

The hypocrisy of “liberals”, who of course aren’t liberals at all, in smear campaigns against their rivals while not holding their own to the same standards. Why haven’t Democrats expelled the two Virginia politicians for their blackface antics? Why isn’t Trudeau resigning?

Their is zero evidence that Bart Kavanaugh was a sexual predator. Read what I said earlier about you believing any old shit and reflect on it. The girl who Blassey Ford claimed was at the party denied any such gathering took place, did not know Kavanaugh, and in her testimony to the FBI said she was threatened by supporters of Blassey Ford to support her story.

Beyond that we have the claim by the woman unearthed by Michael Avenatti, someone you also believe, even though he has a made a career out of false claims and stealing from his clients, and is likely facing a few decades in federal prison.

You are a complete and utter gullible simpleton.

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@anon7035031 - if you’re writing another mealy mouthed load of rot to justify your consistent record of racism on this forum and to try and make out that racists aren’t racist and anti-racists are the real racists, you shouldn’t bother

That is what you’re writing, obviously