Banter or Racism

Horrible complexion on the lad on the left.

The Irish are very highly strung.


id say that a high percentage of those cunts who were soooooo offended by cleeseā€™s words went straight down to peig sayers grave and pissed on it after the leaving.

I think the teaching of the Irish language should be abolished and it should be allowed die a natural death.

Itā€™s a shitty, pointless little language and we should all thank the English for forcibly suppressing its use.

That said, the English are some of the worst speakers of the English language in the world.

They canā€™t even pronounce rā€™s at the end of words.

Itā€™s car not cah, bar not bah, Manchester not Manchesteh.

What a shower of wankehs.


We all have our own dialects. Some of my cousinā€™s speak Italian completely different to me and my family. The Tyrone Italian is much different to the Armagh Italian.


do one use Curry Chips on the menu, and the other use Chips with Curry?


If you go to Isola Carbone, Alto Mucca or Cittadina Cucinare and you speak the Armagh Italian dialect as spoken in Chiedi, Lurgano, Collina del Mercato or Collina del Forchetto, theyā€™ll fucking run you out of the place.

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People arenā€™t actually using the word ā€œoffendedā€ in relation to this tweet are they?

And the Armagh Italians are very quick to point it out

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Iā€™ll have to listen to this tonight.

A pair of fucking gimps. Pedastalising the very worst of inner city Dublin while actually being two posh wankers who went to Conleths


Whatā€™s the beef here. Cultural appropriation?

Yep. Cultural appropriation.

Just had a listen to the whole thing there on Spotify. Complete fucking shite, Iā€™d give it 0 out of 5 stars and the opening track, which is what has caused the controversy, is unforgivably racist. Itā€™s partly laughing at black women and partly laughing and working class men who would consider sleeping with black women.

They have a little talent as rappers but no more than, say, Messiah J and the Expert used to have. Part of their appeal is laughing at working class people but another part of their appeal is very affectionate, in that the kids like that they use Dublin slang in their songs and sound like real Dubs. Thereā€™s something about that combination that I find really pathetic.

But that the kids are latching on to this complete shite just shows the paucity of talent in modern Irish music and how little any modern indie music has connected with real life. Obviously I donā€™t like saying that because Iā€™m a huge Irish indie fan.

Apart from the racism of the opening track thereā€™s nothing really shocking about it. Itā€™s just about selling drugs to homeless people, wife-beating, benefit fraud and basically a fairly typical middle-class Irish childhood. Iā€™d guess that the average age of their fans is about 14 or 15. If you meet anyone over 17 who says theyā€™re a big fan then you should have no respect for them.

None of these lads would last 1 day on TFK.


They also wouldnā€™t last 30 seconds with a woman.

@anon7035031 will love it

The problem is that itā€™s all middle class assholes that are making music now.


This is an album that would make you want to listen to Cast No Shadow on repeat for 20 years.

Looking back at it I have to say WTSMG was a real hit and miss of an album and I think it would probably rank 5th or 6th in my favourite Oasis albums. I certainly preferred Definitely Maybe , Be Here Now, The Masterplan (if that counts), Heathen Chemistry and Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants to it.

WTSMG had a number of anthems on it in in the likes of Champagne Supernova and Donā€™t Look Back In Anger which were great for a sing along but bar Morning Glory, Wonderwall, Roll With it and Some Might Say, there wouldnā€™t be much Iā€™d turn on to for a listen with my headphones.