Banter or Racism

Iā€™m not the person who deliberately conflates all Jews with Israel, pal

You are

Iā€™m not the person that has spent years denying flagrant anti-Semitism in the Republican party

You are

I donā€™t take lessons in anti-Semitism from flagrant anti-Semites like you

Why do you think Iā€™m a communist

Surely you can give examples

Please use quotes if necessary

Where is the evidence that Iā€™m a communist, Joe McCarthy?

Iā€™ll choose when to engage with you or not, unlike you Iā€™m not a bum who spends all day and night posting hate speech online.

Youā€™ve been badly exposed here, itā€™s morons like you that are dividing my beloved Democrat party and will likely hand the 2020 election to Trump. Clueless morons shrieking online and hiding in their safe spaces offline.

Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are communists pretending to be socialists, like yourself. Everything you post on here exposes you as a Trotsky fan boy stickie.

The evidence of your time on this forum suggests that thatā€™s exactly what you are - a bum who spends all day night posting hate speech online

Thanks for the phrasing

Em, yeah, whatever

The rantings of a madman

So is he still a racist or have do we forgive him?

It depends if his apology is obviously sincere or if it clearly isnā€™t sincere

Racism is poorly defined these days.

There are people who are non-pc and then there are genuine racists.

I donā€™t think Ron Atkinson was a racist for instance, he made an ill-thought racist comment but it was because he was a rough around the edges, old school, blend of charm and ignorance than a racist.

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I would agree with that. Ron Atkinson said something stupid but, by his actions, it was obvious the man was not a racist. He routinely picked black players for West Brom when having several black lads playing for a top flight team was almost unheard of.

However, due to the crazy identity politics that are prevailing right now, one stupid comment or action is enough to brand someone a racist and end their careers.

Unfortunately for Mr Trudeau, he always seemed happy to engage in this sort of nonsense when the shoe was on the other foot so I think he could be in for a rough time


Wow, Ron Atkinson was not a racist now, apparently, at least say the forum right-wing nut jobs

My point about the hypocrisy of these right-wing posters has been proven entirely - they say the n word as a term of abuse is now OK

In one way itā€™s nice to be proven right about these people but in another way itā€™s horrible to see it playing out in real time

More footage of Canadaā€™s PM tonight.


Like Mr Trudeau, I think Ron made a stupid mistake. I dont know either man so cant say for certain what they are like, but I know several black players who played for and worked with Mr Atkinson speak very highly of him. What he said was not ok, he acknowledged that but I dont think one stupid comment forever tarnishes someone as a racist.

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Unless they are a conservative, then what they havenā€™t said is forever used against them.

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Youā€™ve just argued that him angrily using the n word as a term of angry abuse was OK because he signed a few black players

Itā€™s hard to think of a more spectacular misunderstanding of racism

Atkinsonā€™s insincerity was plain for all to see in the documentary about him which was filmed after the incident

He still didnā€™t think he did anything wrong, and performed all sorts of mental gymnastics to try and convince himself that he was the real victim

I think you should take an education course on what racism is

Donā€™t lower yourself to the Sid-BOTs level, it is programmed to argue all night.


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I donā€™t think he was.

One mistake shouldnā€™t define his life.

Mods, if this @ProjectX chapā€™s posts could please be printed in crayon font in future, that would be great, thanks

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No I didnā€™t. My argument was that he made a spectacular error of judgement, apologized and that, from what I can see (again not knowing the man) the vast majority of the black players he has worked with would all speak highly of him.

Again, Ron Atkinson was, thankfully, before my time. I was using him to make a general point that people can, on occasion, say and do things that are racist without being racists themselves. I dont think Ron Atkinson actually has any problem with black people, nor do I think Justin Trudeau has either.

My comprehension is impeccable, sadly you canā€™t even comprehend your own posts


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Good man :+1:

Donā€™t feed the BOT

Iā€™d advise @anon7035031 and @Batigol (and others) to listen to this excellent podcast for education purposes

A lot of very interesting and pertinent points in it which they would do well to heed - in fact itā€™s almost like it the feature interview in it was designed specifically with educating them in mind, and my word do they need to be educated on the subject